Recent content by duvvbrand

  1. D

    What do you think of this Russian professor's prediction that the U.S....

    ...will break up in 2010? "MOSCOW -- For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument -- that an economic and moral collapse will...
  2. D

    Is all the Lincoln coverage to distract people from the $800 B dollar stink...

    ...bomb being negotiated by Congress? It's like the news networks think talking about Lincoln is more important than keeping tabs on what Congress is doing.
  3. D

    Is a Conservative basically a Liberal going through a Mid-Life Crisis?

    That wasn't Churchill's quote. The quote implies "liberals" are young and idealistic but not realistic. They think they can save the whole world with government. Conservatives as they grow older realize this isn't true.
  4. D

    Is America living in a economic bubble (that is very near popping)?

    For over 60 years the U.S government has done nothing but go farther into debt..... At the same time, individual consumers in the U.S. have done the same thing (via credit cards and bank loans). Now that the "credit" markets are on the verge of collapse, doesn't that mean all of America is on...
  5. D

    did hollywood win the presidency or did barack obama?

    "the people" THINK they won. "hollywood" also THINKS they won. Both are in for a rude awakening. You don't get something for nothing.
  6. D

    Is this an accurate comparison between Lincoln & Obama?

    Not in the slightest..... EDIT: Barrachus is a puppet. Central Banks (Federal Reserve) didn't exist during Lincoln's time.
  7. D

    Do you trust a politician who says we need to "forget about the past and look to

    the future"? Seems like humans have made the same mistakes MULTIPLE times throughout history. Wouldn't it greatly benefit us all to LEARN about the past and why the present came to be as it is?? al bundy.....agreed. Some use "the past" as a weapon for creating guilt. remember........"the past is...
  8. D

    Do you think She Who Must Not Be Named has a future in politics?? (hint: she's

    from Alaska)? Stewie........get an adult name... Her approval ratings dropped from 85% to 64% since joining the Republican ticket as VP. The Mayan Princess agrees with Stewie that either a) I'm reading Harry Potter OR b) I'm a silly little child OR c) Both. To bad she didn't elaborate. Maybe...
  9. D

    If Palin is the 'future' of the Republican party, does that mean the GOP is about to

    split? I understand that there are a lot of people who really like Sarah Palin. But there are also a large faction of conservatives who feel like Palin is the epitome of a party that has completely lost it's identity and the values it used to represent. So do you think the Pro-Palin/Anti-Palin...
  10. D

    Other than becoming an answer to a future Trivial Pursuit question, what will...

    I think Alaskans are probably getting the realest view of Sarah Palin they've ever seen. If McCain doesn't win I would say she'll have problems becoming anything higher than governor (if that) again. Watching Huckabee would appear FOX is looking real good right now. The Sarah Palin...
  11. D

    If America is going to define Islam by it's most radical factions, shouldn't they... the same for all religion? I'm reading a disturbing number of comments that basically imply there is no difference between a Muslim and a terrorist. This in a country that claims to have "freedom of religion". Well the KKK is hardcore Christian. Does that mean Christianity is rascist?? Or...
  12. D

    why do celebrities love obama so much?

    Cuz McCain is the other choice. Many celebrities like Ron Paul believe it or not.
  13. D

    Shouldn't we Demand that Government Cut all Unnecessary Spending before even

    WE'RE GETTING CLOSER.... Will the real issues get out in spite of the corporate charade? Hopefully this is the first of many examples of why GOVT. SPENDING MUST BE REDUCED. NEITHER candidate is talking seriously about cutting the federal budget. Yet both have plans on what we need to be...
  14. D

    Is Palin becoming a bigger celebrity than Obama?

    Kind of ironic considering McCain's Paris Hilton ad. lol
  15. D

    Why isn't the MSM all over the Sarah Palin Baby Rumor?

    As was reported by ABC news....McCain's staff DID NOT fully vet Palin before he made that decision. Stop assuming McCain took all the necessary precautions...he didn't. As for MSM not picking up this's very flimsy on hard evidence. Remember Dan Rather's last report on flimsy evidence?