Recent content by DukeofURL

  1. D

    What would be a really good first sport bike for under 4,500 used? Would a 500/600

    Ah.................................ok. SQUID. You're kidding right? Starting out with false info to insurance companies isn't a good start. They probably won't pay your survivor benefits. Wear a helmet. Good luck.
  2. D

    I am a female,5'0& 120lbs and Im looking for a sport bike motorcycle for...

    I've chatted with a lot of 250 Ninja riders, some of them on the short side, and everyone of them love the bike! A few of them don't even plan on stepping up to a bigger bike... If this be your first bike as a newbie, the 600's are a bit light, twitchy, very fast and unforgiving. Maybe start...
  3. D

    what would be a good beginner sport bike?

    Is this your first bike, or your first sport bike? The 600's would still be smallish for you. But the main point- as a first bike it's probably a little too much in the zipsplat category for a newbie. Why not get an older bike, something a bit less racer sharp and get some proficient riding time...
  4. D

    What Kawasaki OR Suzuki Sport Bike is good for first bike?

    There's a difference?
  5. D

    Hey, Im wondering if i should keep the number plate on my dirt bike clear...

    If you were a licensed racer, the governing organization would give you a number to run. That's your ID. If you beat the field all year and win the title, the next season you'll be running a #1 on the plate! As an unlicensed amateur, you can run anything you want! A number, a picture, a pretty...
  6. D

    What is a Good Sports bike to start out with?

    That's easy!!!!! The one you like best, that's the one you should get! Of course, common sense dictates you should take a riding course, get an old bike @ 400- 600 cc and practice, practice, practice many miles and smiles before stepping up to a zip-splat...But how many newbie riders use their...
  7. D

    sport bike street bike question about speed wobble tank slapping ect..?

    You might check the adjustment on the head bearings. Simple enough to do. These need occasional service/ maintenance like everything else on a motorbike. Ignoring this will put you in danger of tank-slappers or worse. The best steering damper made will only mask the symptoms. Stay on top of...
  8. D

    what's the smallest size 600cc sport bike (length, seat height, weight) ?

    They're all pretty much same/same. I challenge any casual rider to view a row of red zip-splats- with all the names and graphics removed- to tell which is which. That's why they're referred to as Universal Japanese Motorcycles-UJM. It's all about cost, advertising, and presenting the latest...
  9. D

    whats sexier, a woman who owns a harley or a sports bike?

    Judas Palimino! Another poser in the works! Here's a great notion- why don't you impress yourself instead of trying to impress others? Only fools and posers are impressed with someone else's bling. Harley Davidson.... "Ride the cliche`"
  10. D

    GUYS.......would you have a problem letting ur gf ride on the back of sport bikes...

    You're "in love, and all that"? Not really, at this stage it's still lust. Love is never saying you "can't" do things. Love is not a deed to your soul, it's not a title to your heart. Love is a learning, growing process. When we cannot grow, we fall out of love. And find another.
  11. D

    Im thinkin of buyin a sports bike, what should I buy?

    Is this gonna be your first bike? If it is your first, you might want to consider something other than a Zip-splat machine. It takes a sure headed rider to safely handle those kind of bikes...Hey, I'm just sayin'! It could end up scaring the livin' c*** out of you, and turn you off to bikes...
  12. D

    Which bike would be the best?

    This is a fairly wide open request, don't you think? Could you narrow it down a little? Can you ride? Is this your first bike? If you're a beginner, take a riding course. This will help you decide if you even want to ride. If it's your first bike....what kind of riding do you want to do? What...
  13. D

    Can you wear cowboy boots on a (sport bike) motorcycle?

    Cowboy boots are for being a cowboy. You'll slip and slide in those boots while on a bike. There's no grip, and no feel. Don't use em'! Buy some cheap rubber sole work or hiking boots for your lessons, even if you don't stay with it you'll have boots to use. If you do start riding, please...