Recent content by dukalink6000

  1. D

    Do more police powers lead to extremism?

    I agree. Although the point is that people criticise these powers simply because of the fact that they have more power, regardless of how they are used. However I think that if they are useful, needed, and use correctly, lets have them.
  2. D

    The Confession Thread

    Yeah Freaks are way kewl, and I seem to be flypaper for them.
  3. D

    real issue here!!

    Then I guess you've never sexed a can of spaghetti o's
  4. D

    Has anyone seen this crazy "Knockout Game"?

    Has anyone seen this crazy "Knockout Game"? This scene comes to mind. Most bad ass execution I've seen.
  5. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    You know, the cure sounds worse then the disease...
  6. D

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    The kitty looks angry and displeased.
  7. D

    Embryo research

    Everyone needs to get their science right, no matter where one stands in the continuum of belief. An embryo is not a fetus. An embryo becomes a fetus after two months development. From There are many types of stem cells, and they aren't all equal. Again from You will...
  8. D

    Change the song name

    Night Bus to Dalston - Bad Manners
  9. D

    Prince Harry in Afghanistan

    I agree wholeheartedly xen
  10. D

    ST: I have acquired a banana costume

    Fuck, I'm actually in need of one of those. For a music video I want to shoot. Seriously. Wanna send it?
  11. D

    What do you think of her body? *pics*

    Am i the only persono who thinks shes fat :S
  12. D

    When People Critisise Your Grammar Online... GR

    I never "critisise" the grammar of others. However, it is grating to Read Things Written Like This, especially when the offending sentence is also littered with spelling errors.
  13. D

    Gaza predictions

    Arabs are responsible for their own actions. Baruch potentially saved many more lives that day.
  14. D

    Thanksgiving - A Day of Graditude

    cranberry sauce and stuffing. EGG NOG