Recent content by DrinktheKoollAide

  1. D

    How safe is WinMX............?

    I actually just download old time radio shows so doubt I would catch a virus ?
  2. D

    If aliens are so advanced that they've mastered intergalactic travel?

    , why do they keep abducting hillbillies instead of supermodels?
  3. D

    How is this for censorship in Obama's open government? Funny stuff.?

    That shotgun is ported to release the gasses faster so as to have less of a recoil . It's a women's shotgun or a shotgun for pussy's
  4. D

    Got an EASY question for Liberals ( and anybody else ) ?

    When you say the Pledge Of Allegiance, what hand goes over your heart ? Ok just humor me . I have a reason for asking this