Recent content by DreSherbert

  1. D

    Goin Outback Tonight

    espresso rubbed ribeye owns everything!
  2. D

    which do you like more? *pics*

    i chose #2, because being a average sized (hight/weight) 16 year old kid, i dont know if i could handle #3 a this moment.. My sisters friend looks EXACTLY like #3(shes in college tho), a little smaller though, i am in love with that girl.. #2 right now #3 soon enough
  3. D

    How can I pwn a bonfire party some nub is having tonight?

    I can guarantee none of that happenned, you most likely have been on your computer all day, but after having your 3rd daily wank you decided to come onto ST to show everyone how BAMF you are. If you are having trouble getting friends, please look into a local circle jerk organization.
  4. D


    caturday pwns dursday. end fail
  5. D

    Should my friend have to pay?

    In this case I think not due to he said to force it up.
  6. D

    Jif or Skippy Peanut Butter?

    peter pan has ecoli
  7. D

    scariest moment

    let him fail, its funny HOLY FUCK I JUST LOOKED AT THE CLOCK ITS 920 ALREADY!
  8. D

    where do you put a memory card in a motokrzr?

    no! its in the back behind the battery door in an odd spot here look
  9. D

    where do you put a memory card in a motokrzr?

    no! its in the back behind the battery door in an odd spot here look
  10. D

    I have a razr and want to print text msgs. Please help!

    type in your phone model example razr k1m driver and download the driver
  11. D

    Anyone have or had 6700 PPC cell phone/ PDA

    how long is the video recorder and does your phone freeze or crash alot??! thanks a tonbillion
  12. D

    WiFi and internet on phone questions EASY 10 POINTSSS?

    i have sprint if i have the sprint 6700 and use wifi like wireless internet at my house does it cost anything like 15 bucks a month and the wireless web how much is that unlimited per month and can you go to likeyoutube and myspace and yahoo answers with the wireless web THANKS A TONBILLION
  13. D

    Sprint 6700 work with 1gb miniSD or with 1 gb or more (2gb 4gb) 10 POINTS?

    i want to buy the phone will sprint charge me to use wifi like just connecting to m house wireless internet connection and willmy phone only work with a 1 gb miniSD card because i already have a 2gb miniSD thanks a tonnnn