Recent content by DreMcNinja

  1. D

    Why don't Americans get the British sense of humour?

    Aside from cultural differences and unfamiliar phrasing/wording, I don't think there is that huge of a divide in that area.
  2. D

    Athiest...Isn't fulfilled Bible prophecy proof enough that the Bible is God's word?

    No more than "fulfilled" prophesy by pagan religions, Nostradamus, etc. The concept of vague prophecy has existed many many years before the Bible ever existed, as well as many which were made after and during the events in that book.
  3. D

    Atheists you know that your arguments prove nothing, yet you still continue you

    Sorry, I see life as the main even, rather than an opening act
  4. D

    High School Students: Would you like it if a pro MMA fighter beat up your...

    Just find out where he lives and take a poop on his door step once a week
  5. D

    God is real, and I can prove it!!!?

    He's also been known to interfere in football games
  6. D

    So do christians see christ as only a symbol in the same way Satanists...

    Christians, whether you believe they are right or wrong, believe Christ was an actual real person/son of God. Levayan Satanists only see Satan as a metaphor.
  7. D

    I want to Become a UFC Fighter ?

    3 years of TKD isn't sufficient for elite MMA fighting. I wouldn't say it's impossible, since people CAN start late and become good if they have the natural ability, but the odds are not in your favor.
  8. D

    Are there any NFL fans that whine more than Chargers fans?

    I would tend to agree more, Raidergirl, if they had a sub-par offense and defense. The reality is that they have an abysmal special teams, which is why they can have a losing record, yet still have a top ranked offense and defense.
  9. D

    Are there any martial arts that are so focused on causing death that they are...

    There are very few martial arts that don't teach potentially lethal moves
  10. D

    Why do UFC fans jack off to Brock Lesnar?

    I'm concerned by the fact that you can't stop thinking about homo-erotica and wrestling
  11. D

    atheists or if you do not like to be labled as that, people with no religion, why?

    I don't require the promise of an afterlife to enjoy the life I have now.
  12. D

    Questions on the religion judaism?
  13. D

    why converting to Judaism is made so diffcult?

    Maybe they want to discourage those that just randomly choose any old religion because it seems interesting...emphasizing the commitment. key point being ensuring commitment *sigh*
  14. D

    are you aware that the internet is an easy dangerous weapon to spread hate...

    This can be said about the development of written language too.
  15. D

    People who voted Yes on Prop 8, what about giving gays a stronger Civil Union?

    I doubt supporters of gay marriage would be thrilled about separate but equal concessions by bigots. A step in the right direction, I suppose, but not that right answer. Edit: "I think homosexuality is immoral and have the right to vote against it. Therefore I also disagree with any rights...