Recent content by dreamqueen

  1. D

    "street" slang and getting older

    "street" slang and getting older LOL! It sounds funny hearing that from a 21 year old! Right now there's a 40 year old colleague playing with a miniature Scalectrix set in the office! You're as old as you feel.
  2. D

    do you own any firearms?

    Does a .22 air rifle count as a firearm?
  3. D

    If you could Cyber with anyone..

  4. D

    I win @ dinner *pics*

    asparagus is fucking bomb.
  5. D

    Can It Be Any Funnier?

    This thread has officially been changed to the discussion of the redneck kid with a bucket of water! discuss as usual
  6. D

    Are you comfertable with your sexuality?

    LOL. Nail on the head. It's ok, soldiers don't need to know how to argue, just how to take orders.
  7. D

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    To give an update there has been an arrest in this case. A black male was arrested, he was recently released from prison out on parole. The house had been completely demolished on the inside as he was stripping out the copper wire and plumbing to sell for scrap. Evidently he beat the mom and...
  8. D


    You were correct, it has in fact now fallen on the floor and hidden somewhere.
  9. D

    Meeting Ryan Sheckler tomorrow....

    good video.
  10. D

    How much does it cost to go to the tanning bed?

    yeah, thas how i roll!
  11. D


    stupid freshman... its called not looking down at their asses?
  12. D

    hurricane/tropical storm

    Im having an all American hurricane day adventure tomorrow. Taking out the 4-wheelers and swimming during the winds and rain. Maybe some skim in the flooded yards. Yes! Thinking about doing the hookah outside of starbucks and just watching the weather to? I don't start school until next week so...
  13. D

    Why don't they have a thumb-wrestling video game?

    Why don't they have a thumb wrestling video game? Think about it. I'd play it. You'd probably play it. There are endless varieties of backdrops, different table schemes, you could have bare wrists, tattoos, shirts with logos, without logos, different skin tones, different kinds of...
  14. D

    computer help

    Not related to dogs but since I managed to shoe horn it into the conversation earlier... here's the website for the company I formed, 996 Audio In many ways I believe it's the future of band recording... there are plenty of good bands and singer/songwriters out there...
  15. D

    Favorite pop
