Recent content by DR

  1. D


    grind on me relax your mind take your time on me.
  2. D

    Gun Control

    You mean you're done spewing baseless and ill informed assertions that have the integrity of Swiss cheese?
  3. D

    help PLEASE! I'm being gossiped about! :(?

    Nobody particularly like others talking about them, however you/w have NO control over what others say or think about us, just like no one has control over what you say or think, right. The sooner you start to realize this the better off you will be. I know it will be harder for you because...
  4. D

    What is a interesting topic for a persuasive speech?

    You need to find a topic/subject that is of interest to you and it will make writing and presenting your speech much easier. Back when I was in college, they made you give speeches in most of your classes and the only one I can really remember is one I did on Anti-Vivisection. If you don't...
  5. D

    The Acronym Thread (TAT)

    Pig Orgasm Reaches Kinky CANADA
  6. D


    Hey no problem, I appreciate the replies. I'd imagine Tuo Cha gets its reputation for its qi giving powers because it's what the monks drink. Regardless, I am excited to finally try a good (hopefully!) Pu-Erh tea, qi or no! Should it give me some unexplainable super-powers...then all the better
  7. D

    Top Ninja Master Speaks Out!

    Even better a name that is a mix of Japanese and Korean.
  8. D

    Regrets/How do you know you have a good thing...

    I just dont want to do something that i will regret for the rest of my life.
  9. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! that's realy bad news...I love apples Poor you
  10. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    She'd probably cook you up a big ol' can of "whoopass".
  11. D

    Pretty sweet license plate in my opinion...

  12. D

    does anyone know how to remove the power2go 7 gadget off desktop?

    1 Go to the Windows Desktop, and click on the "Start" button. From the Start menu, select "Control Panel." 2 Click on "Add or Remove Programs," and locate any files with the name Power2go or Cyberlink. 3 One at a time select these files and then click on the "Remove" button. 4...
  13. D

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Rhea for being annoyed for being banned and unbanned, bt now you're banned again
  14. D

    tell me

    who here would use a hand gun and grenades to get rid of roaches in there house?
  15. D

    What kinds of torrent are illegal in U.S?

    Those movies are not free and that's the point. Torrents as such are not illegal, those are just the means. What IS illegal is downloading copyrighted material without paying for it, no matter how and where you download it. So if it is something that is sold in any store (online or in physical...