Recent content by DP~Pitbull

  1. D

    The stuff they put on ebay...

    people buy everything on ebay
  2. D

    Accident Victims Rescued from Wrong Car

    Ok, the other side of the story... With a suspected spinal injury they obviously decided it was safer to lift them out of the taxi.
  3. D

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    1st of all most insurgents are Iraqis themselves and usually Sunnis. 2nd Hezbollah has been building up since 2000. 3rd Iran is financing the insurgency and Hezbollah and Hamas.
  4. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I bought 'Countdown to Mathematics - vol.1' as revision for Stage 1 of the Maths degree course, it arrived in the post yesterday, going through chapter 1 but fairly sure I know everything in this book, should have gone for vol.2. Grrrrr
  5. D

    ST Song

    yo waz up ima shark, sux my diick
  6. D

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Passed my CompTIA A+ exam today making me a certified computer hardware technician. Still know naff all about anything apart from how to pass an exam by process of elimination, but at least I'm qualified in it
  7. D

    Rush Hour 2

    lol watching it right now.
  8. D

    Yoga = Devil

    It all really depends on which yoga tradition you follow. There are forms of yoga that are heavily based in spirituality and with strong links to religion. Most of what goes on in the western world is a fantastic revenue earner for gyms... when as compared to a traditional gym... all you need is...
  9. D

    could i go to juvie? serious question

    You're gonna have to snog some log, dog.
  10. D

    Turd vs Turd

    Ah c'mon, you know as well as I do that those are wildly differing scenarios. Mitlov, I respect your postings, I like your stuff and you know I do, but dude, that comparison is way out. Mitch
  11. D

    funny words/names

    Do work for customs or in some branch of law enforcement?
  12. D

    Numero dos

    well it usually takes around a minute but then count another 5 for smashing the turd so it fits down the toilet
  13. D

    I support....

    Sorry love, I'm a happily married man with kids
  14. D

    Global Warming

    Yeah i'm sure the vice chancellor of one of the biggest scientific institutes in Japan... one of the most scientifically advanced countries on the planet, should be dismissed as an uneducated idiot if he has the gall to disagree with what the people on TV say! Whilst it is correct that CO2...