Recent content by DougA

  1. D

    MAP members you are attracted to

    lol just post away - no-one minds....
  2. D

    A Thread About Nothing.....

    errrrr ummmmmmmmmm ok thanks for nothing
  3. D

    What do you do

    sleep, fap, watch t.v., sometimes venture into the wild.
  4. D

    Admission Impossible

    But if you can get a better education for your children, without paying for it, how far would you go? Bear in mind even a cheap private school costs £1000 - £2000 a term.
  5. D

    How would you define Fitness? + Thoughts

    Philosoraptor, that may well have been the nerdiest thing ever said on MAP, end of story. Gold!
  6. D

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Wait, was that "you're better off assuming every white person is racist" thing serious? Only I'm sure you spent a few posts complaining about the idea Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black.
  7. D

    alright guys, here is the fail

    normally i would say CMPunk but then he changed to NathanExplosion, and now he is no more so i is happy
  8. D

    Does wanting to learn how to shoot make you "crazy"?

    Does wanting to learn how to shoot make you "crazy"? Depends on who you want to shoot! To answer your question. No it doesn't and yes I class shooting as another form of martial art (same with archery). I did a small amount of pistol and rifle shooting years ago at uni and it was great fun.
  9. D

    Men, women, and sex

    You didn't. I did
  10. D

    Please Vote.

    let me tell you a voting story. Once upon a time, there was a town who was having an election. The mayor, who no one really likes, was running against a little 19 year old noob, a rookie. I was gonna vote for the noob, because I hate the current mayor. But when voting time came, I listened to...
  11. D

    Very stressful situation.

    sucks to be you
  12. D

    Should i tell my family?

    Blame the raccoons.
  13. D

    1993 Dodge Spirit 2.5L engine?

    The car starts well.....but when goes down to warmed up idle speed{between 500-1000r.p.m]the motor misses and sputs{youcan here it coming out of the muffler at the back of driving speeds the motor seems to run fine....but come to a stop sign.....and the rpms runs terribly...
  14. D

    France versus Scientology

    LoL scientology...................... But seriously scientology is an world wide experiment to see how stupid people are, should be nearly done i'm sure everyone will get their litterlly thoushands and thouhands of dollars back.
  15. D

    new ma member on the way

    Congrats, get ready for the sleepless nights!!