Recent content by dontworrybehappy

  1. D

    Capital Punishment + Euthanasia!

    When people "choose" to end their life, there are many factors, they may be clinically depressed, anxious, etc. Some people forget that life isn't easy and you have to FIGHT. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and was only given a couple months to live. Currently shes lived about 4 months...
  2. D

    Weirdest jobs for final

    of course it is, but it would still be funny.
  3. D

    Advice on dealing with a Father-Son problem? *Warning-long*

    Yo Since this is the only message board i really frequent, and i dont want to stress the rest of my family out, i decided to post this here. Its half to rant; since i find putting these things into words puts them in perspective, and half because i'm having trouble deciding whats best... Bit...
  4. D

    American killed in Olympics attack

    Beach volleyball on now. Better to look at than indoor.
  5. D

    my worst night ever..

    thats another thing like there were 5 of us walking back to the campus and after each one of our breathalizers he threw the little plastic pieces we blew through on the thinking or bringing up litering charges on the popo's ha any other advice yet!? thanks for everything so far
  6. D

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    If Martin had known that Zimmerman was neighborhood watch and still ground-and-pounded him, then candidly, it's entirely his own fault he got shot. If he hadn't realized that Zimmerman was neighborhood watch and thought he was a pervert, or a KKK member, or someone like that tailing him, then...
  7. D

    How young is too young?

    i think its kinda weird for high schoolers to date each other if they're not within a grade. like its ok for a 9th grader to date a 10th grader, but not an 11th. so i say no, but thats just my school
  8. D

    US embassies attacked

    LOL, I think this thread has done a fair bit to set American/UK relations back a good 20 years. YAY MAP!
  9. D

    Scientology vs Internets

    Well, you have to be careful with these things. It's exactly these kinds of things that make you wiser - usually by you getting involved with stuff that you later think "well that wasn't right." Think about it. Intimidation, illegal activity, mass hysteria, group logic. Is it fighting fire...
  10. D

    Anyone work at mcdonalds?

    I lol'd then noticed your sig and lol'd even more :tup:
  11. D

    Do you watch a lot of news?

    Lots. Unfortunately the BBC news has become really poor in recent years. I'm liking the Channel 4 news just now, apparently according to 'some poll' John Snow is considered to be the most trustworthy news reporter on British TV (prob because he doesn't have to bend over as much as his BBC...
  12. D

    My girlfriend is awesome!

    Or at least, gives a nice illusion.
  13. D

    Made redundant yesterday

    man that really sucks. 35 years is longer than I've been on this planet. gotta stay positive, sometimes it's all you got. that, and a nice cup of tea.
  14. D

    National anthems

    It adds some excitement to the whole event. Every public event the singer comes out and you start wondering: "Hmm can they do it or is this going to be day one of the American Idol auditions"? "Good, doing good, here it comes, wait for it, oooooh what a clanker!" We really are a sadistic lot.
  15. D

    Copy and Paste this on your Address Bar

    Whoa whoa whoa, don't lie to the good members of ST. I use Firefox and it worked for me.