Recent content by Dixie

  1. D

    Against Animal Cruelty

    Just look at her picture. She looks like a nutter. She looks like a slightly heavier, deranged jamie lee curtis.
  2. D

    Crazy Things You Have Done

    Lucky you but i got electrocuted. Another thing i did was jump of off the olympic diving bored, it felt like a brick hit my face.
  3. D

    need help please about this IPHONE PLEASE?

    You should contact Apple or go to an Apple Store. Take your iphone information with you and they should be able to help you.
  4. D

    Question for teenagers or people who use cell phones often?

    If a cell phone goes dead right in the middle of a conversation, and you call that dead phone back do they all go straight to voice mail, are there any that will ring 4-5 times and then voice mail will pick up? A guy I was talking to, our conversation just went dead in the middle of the...
  5. D

    Attention all girls, i need your advice/help please! and guys too.

    Yeah my mate has a really hairy back and shoulders, it looks like he's wearing some sort of shawl. However, it hasn't stopped him getting freaky with the ladies...
  6. D

    why all the ranting about Jehovah's witnesses?

    Because in my personal experience(not hearsay) try this a JW child ( JW child, a damn joke the child too young to decide) dies because the JW parents refuse the medical procedure/attention required by their small child, hurrah for their faith, the child died, as a result of the refusal, fact...
  7. D

    Would it be fair if I tell my kid that God isn't real in the future?

    Its a really hard question when you include the word "fair". Believers will say "let your child decide" as a sort of "they will see the true way", and non believers will say let the child decide, with the same ulterior motive. Well fine, that means you must educate your child concerning the...
  8. D

    When will Jane Eyre (2011) DVD be released in Australia?

    Or has it already been released?
  9. D


    It's about as badass as I get, you know?
  10. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Finally here tomorrow. Bumholes.
  11. D

    parents and non parents.

    Your mum probably did that out of morbid and desperate fear of losing her child. Not quite the same as a stranger belting you for scaring a cat.
  12. D

    Pimpest Gangstas I know

  13. D

    what woud you do if someone insulted you?

    Surely the only reasonable answer would be to declare holy war?
  14. D

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    Look at me... I've broken a hole in MAP!
  15. D

    Help !!! 3 Types Of Cancer Caused By Bad Nutrition ?!?

    Im Writing An Essay About Nutrition N Cancer. This Is My Thesis Statement: Three Types Of Cancer That Can Result From Bad Nutrition Are ________, ___________, and ____________. Please Help Me !