Recent content by DirkD

  1. D

    your thoughts

    Topic about how you made it safetly or died in a car crash plz. And if parents get mad.
  2. D

    Ghost Fighting!!!

    Check this out!!! this guy gets KO'd and is so out of it is still throwing jabs on his back!! Just shows how messed up you get when you get Knocked out like that! Dude having convulsions or something?
  3. D

    How do you post?

  4. D

    Israel - Palestine (Again)

    The answer to that question is dependent on who 'wins'. My guess is we'll never really have to worry about it though. The Arab states don't really like the Palestinians and aren't interested in seeing anything resembling a strong Palestinian state. If they were, they'd have opened their...
  5. D

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    As I said, they were occupied with things that they felt were more important. They could have dropped bombs closer to the concentration camps but they didn't. They saw that other things were more important. It really is that simple. Btw, you promised a certain gameplan that is still not...
  6. D

    Leaders agree to UN truce timing

    What kind of cease fire was that? In the hours before the official "Lets be Friends" cease fire, they opened up on each other....missiles here.....missiles there....missiles, missiles everywhere.
  7. D

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    I understand that the Palestinians have inferior weapons to fighter jets. But there really is not that much difference between the automatic weapons that both sides use. And mortar attacks are not incredibly accurate on the first shot, but they can be zeroed in pretty easily. And both sides...
  8. D

    anyone know where this photo was taken?

    photo shopped?
  9. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Another tick in the 'positives' column there then!
  10. D

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Sounds fun.
  11. D

    eggs...water balloons...wat else?

    That was the aim. The problem is that you have to use a funnel to get the sauce and syrup into the ballon (very messy) and then you have to fill with water. It also explodes randomly, so there is a chance that you will get covered to.
  12. D

    I have a confession

    Please get out of ST. You fail at everything. Especially thread making.
  13. D

    Home made Cookies *pics*

  14. D

    Tottenham Riots

    No, but you were still on the same theme of "losing more than gaining," the implication being compliance through fear of punishment, rather than compliance because of acceptance of and investment in societal norms. Mitch
  15. D

    Tottenham Riots

    Sounds familiar now you mention it. I'm waiting for someone to get trapped in a burning building