Recent content by Dindins

  1. D

    do u ever put on ur jersey or pants for no reason

    the jersey but no pants, gotta rock the short shorts like we did in the hoopty hoop days
  2. D

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    so it does, thanks Medi
  3. D

    Crocodile Hunter,Steve Irwin,Is Dead.

    See...that ones better.
  4. D

    Hey ST degenerates...when are you going to die?

    You shouldn't bully people because people bullied you. I understand you're in a rough place, but you need to be strong now.
  5. D

    Girls on Facebook that you would do dirty dirty things to

    "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the...
  6. D

    How many girls have you hooked up with?

    What is your connotation of hooked up? I've seen more different meanings of it than I can remember.
  7. D

    ST lego competition.

    Lego's can suck bolas
  8. D

    Help! PUPS!

    Relax.. puppies happen. A few things... first off you don't need much to contain puppies. A good sized cardboard box with a good sized snuggly blanket it in it is good. The sides need to be high enough to contain pups... not hard for newborns as they can barely motor around at that point...
  9. D

    Democracy in action

    I hate putin. Hated him ever since Kursk. The man went on vacation during the week that was happening and got back and other countries including the US offered help and he refused them because he 'didn't want to let any secrets out' When a russian woman complained, Putin's men jabbed her with a...
  10. D

    So do you Sit, or Stand on the wipe?

    I squat slightly as well. I guess that's more of a stand though?
  11. D

    Home made punch bag

    Back when I was 14, I needed a sand bag as well but was too cheap to buy a real one. So I took a leather bag of some kind that I found, stuffed it with sand and hung it from the rafters. It was hard as rock, which was a very good hand conditioning tool for me, going barehanded and barefoot, and...
  12. D

    Is Poetry Dead?

    Poetry is alive and surviving. The truth of the matter is that the times have changed. Not so many people want to sit down and read peotry any more - certainly not the numbers there used to be. So now the spoken word has presidence, with poets like Alan Kaufman dominating the scene, as do songs...
  13. D

    My Trip to Japan

    I recently got back from a great trip to japan. i mostly stayed in kyoto. i visited kyoto, nara, hiroshima, miyajima, and tokyo. in nara i saw the todai-ji temple which was magnificent and beautiful. i loved how the deer would bow to you and let you pet them in nara, then i visited some...
  14. D

    FBI Confirms Existence of Extra Terrestrials?