Recent content by Denver

  1. D

    Are these the funniest exam answers or what?

    Yeah I'll go with what.
  2. D

    Difference Between DVD-RW and a DVD-ROM?

    DVD ROM ONLY READS DVDs AND VCDs AND CDs whereas, DVD-RW can read and also write(burn) data to a writable cd, dvd.
  3. D

    will my apps on my iphone be deleted if i sync it to a different computer?

    i am no longer able to sync my iphone to its orignl cooputer, i am worried about loosind info like apps and files, not so much about songs
  4. D

    What format does my dvd player play?

    A quick google search tells me it plays DVD+R and DVD+RW
  5. D

    How important is an A/V receiver when setting up home theatre speakers?

    I seen a box of cheap speakers in ASDA and was wondering, would these speakers (no A/V receiver) be sufficient enough to get better sound from my PS3 / Xbox / Sky+HD box than I'm getting with just the two speakers on my TV? If an A/V receiver is just used to switch between the outputs of the...
  6. D

    POLL: Do you love Jesus?

    My esé back in Mexico told me he's in love but wont tell me their name... =/
  7. D

    Spiritually speaking; Im SO confused about religion, can someone PLZ help...!?!?!??!!!!? Ok so like this whole time I thought Christianity was the truth cuz so many Christians say it is, and I went to church and was like yeah believing in Jesus for a while cuz if so many people tell you something is true then it has to be true!!! Then I had a Muslim tell me Islam...
  8. D

    LGBT: Whats the effects of smoking marijuana while on HRT as a pre-op transsexual?

    I think my therapist said it has something to do with the THC messing up your hormones but idr...
  9. D

    LGBT: Why is that dude that always whines about his looks in the LGBT section?

    There is a Beauty&Style section ya know. you being gay has nothing whatsoever to do with you looking like a fat, crooked nosed, unibrowed, Russian with wide hips.
  10. D

    Do gay people tell straight jokes,like some straight people tell gay jokes?

    I joke about cisgendered people all of the time.
  11. D

    Spiritually speaking; Wouldn't life be alot better if Christianity, Judaism, or...

    ...Islam never happened? Maybe life would be a tad easier without a mom to call me a freak every day and tell me how ashamed she is of me. I love how much love Christianity has taught people. Christianity never caused witch burnings, crusades, or the Inquisitions. Islam never caused terrorist...
  12. D

    Spiritually speaking; Wouldn't life be alot better if Christianity, Judaism, or...

    ...Islam never happened? Maybe life would be a tad easier without a mom to call me a freak every day and tell me how ashamed she is of me. I love how much love Christianity has taught people. Christianity never caused witch burnings, crusades, or the Inquisitions. Islam never caused terrorist...
  13. D

    Spiritually speaking; Why are so many Christians whining about being "Discriminated

    Spiritually speaking; Why are so many Christians whining about being "Discriminated against"? This makes me really depressed. They are still the worlds largest religion. Every Christian that thinks Christians are being discriminated against for not being able to pray and public and etc. should...
  14. D

    How hard is it to convert to Judaism...?

    To convert to a religion you must believe it is the true one first. You can't just say "Hmm, I wanna be a Jew" But when I converted to Islam all I had to do was acknowledge that I accept that Allah is the only God and Muhammad was his final and greatest messenger. I heard that Judaism is more...
  15. D

    Spiritually speaking; How can one be a Christian knowing how much harm it has caused?

    And the fact it was spread by torturing and force? And that all religions are man-made? What makes yours so much better?