Recent content by Delicious

  1. D

    Worlds Ugliest Dog

    Well, I'm not an authority on dogs (cats are my choice ), but I described it as a pit-bull because that was what the poster of the pic said it was. I didn't actually mean that the breed of dog was 'dumb', although I can see now that is how my wording has made it appear. What I meant to say...
  2. D

    random facts thread

    Fact: Black people have large wieners.
  3. D

    *A2 People* RESULTS - To those of you who looked at track this morning...

    :yep: , thanks cheers. well done to you to. :D
  4. D


    Very interesting stuff. I had no idea about the anthropological theory.
  5. D

    Licking your own elbow.

    Yeah, now licking your eyebrow...
  6. D

    6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

    Kristin Kreuk was in EuroTrip w/ Matt Damon Matt Damon was in Saving Private Ryan w/ Tom Hanks Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 w/ Kevin Bacon
  7. D

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

  8. D

    Are you scared of your dad?

    not at all.
  9. D


    wow you're a fucking idiot. don't post anymore.
  10. D

    Soldier murdered in London

    Moronic rudeboy gansta wannabe got radicalised and flipped out. Hope he rots.
  11. D

    Russian Seige

    The US at this time is over involved in world affairs. If you look at history the UK has been involved in some pretty shady things. This goes for the Russia, France, Cuba and the list goes on. My opinion is we should be a lot less involved in a lot of things that are not our responsibility. This...
  12. D

    Sex Offenders

    This is a very difficult subject. On one hand you are balancing the welfare of the community. How many lives do you allow the offender to destroy before he is judged unredeemable? Make no mistake-rape destroys lives On the other hand you are balancing the accused/offenders right. Whether they...
  13. D

    This is totally unacceptable treatment of animals

    If it makes you feel any better, hardcore religious types in the U.S. aren't good to women, children, or animals either. Nice hat, by the way.
  14. D

    Translation: English to American...

    Leave me alone. I work a back shift! Besides I went to school when Thatcher was in power and there was a spider in the bath that day with two heads!