Recent content by deedee192

  1. D

    Journey in Locker Rooms

    Haven't seen a story with this much actual gayness in awhile.
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    Chocolate or Vanilla...The Final Showdown

    Tay Zonday Approves of Chocolate. :tup:
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    Viewer Disrection! Animal Cruelty From Farm To Fridge

    I don't think I've ever read a more fatuous comment on MAP. Well done. That took some doing.
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    Dingo VS German Shepard

    Dingo= wild vicious animal that eats babies German Shepard= domesticated animal Dingo for the win
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    I cant hold out much longer...

    So you had a moment of weekness so what. Big deal!!! Admit it, Fix it, and Move on. It's okay to have cravings I get them too, so does everyone. You need to learn to accept them and adjust your behavior to accomadate the cravings. Today I had 2, count them, 2 Big Mac's AND 2, count them, 2...
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    Women in the Infantry

    There are plenty of bad officers in the Recon community...particularly because many see it simply as a resume booster, which almost invariably results in them putting themselves above the guys. I can only speak for B Co because I was a company level attachment...and even then each platoon was...
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    Olympic torch extinguished during Paris leg

    Mother fuckin truth.
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    Me too. It belongs on Youtubes front page.
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    99% of readers of "The Sun" (reactionary British rag) say bring back death sentence

    99% of readers of "The Sun" (reactionary British rag) say bring back death sentence Of course, this is entirely speculative, there is no way that any Tory/Labour/Lib Dem government is going to reintroduce the death penalty, so we'll just have to wait until the BNP forms a government, at which...
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    SHAQ in mma

    Tika - i see your point, but personally I don't think there's many people stupid enough to actually hit shaq. Anyway you'd need to stand on a ladder to hit him in the head. God that guy is a monster.
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    The great Obama Debate

    Most construction trades, truck drivers, teachers, secretaries, administrative assistants, book keepers, accountants and nurses to name a few. The elderly with no retirement benefits,unskilled workers with extremely low paying jobs. No it was the spending on manufacturing during the war...
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    How many interviews are there in an interview process?

    I do all my own hiring and did for many years with the government. Grades mean very little to me. I depend a lot on communication skills and role playing scenarios. Here in the states with the governments 'no child left behind' program. Schools are penalized for giving students low grades...
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    Bikers of MAP!!

    *no way am I advocating anyone do this* but I never actually used my L plates. Silly I know, but somehow I got away with it. Heh, advice time: when I first rode my new bike after passing my CBT (keeping in mind the CBT bike are very small and light and my bike was big and heavy) I pulled up in...
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    Wow did you guys see this!?! :eek3: