Recent content by debp

  1. D

    does humor make a happy marriage?

    Romance then Humor
  2. D

    What do you order from taco bell?

    eewww taco belll
  3. D

    What do you order from taco bell?

    eewww taco belll
  4. D

    P&S: Can you ride a bike with no handlebars?

    long time a go use to
  5. D

    Cheesiest pick up line?

    Hey Babe your eye color is the same as my porsche
  6. D

    Do you know anyone with the same name as a celebrity?

    my uncle has a Friend named Rick james
  7. D

    Do you think hunting is wrong?

    i dont hunt but its ok
  8. D

    Scared about my future after uni?

    maybe you could branch off into architecture or business or something else you wont have to endure the entire length of the course being post grad