Recent content by da'zone

  1. D

    Need to find a piece of music?

    try. gurdian angel by red jump suit apparatus.. its a stirring tune... with a wcked ending...
  2. D

    Don't old Volvo cars have road rights too?

    all volvo's have total right of way in my opinion.. as long as your on the way to the scrapyard
  3. D

    How come every time when you're drunk, you just want to pick up someone else...

    only a small percentage of people want to fight when drunk... your in the minority with your thinking..... you got no bottle to do it while sober.. plain and simple... lots of people get drunk to forget fools ''jus' like you'' its because you aint got a life
  4. D

    Why are so many 'celebs' vulgar and gross?

    who are these people you talk about,? i dont have a tv.. so i dont know... but one thing is clear.. people are people... they all fukked up... maybe the celebrities just apply a little polish and shine... maybe you dont know any celebs... you just get to see a glimps of them, and thats wat...
  5. D

    Does the Soul merely consist of memories of experinces past and expectations of...

    me finks you dont know what your on about? but, james brown got soul... and aretha franklin' she got soul too.. i think for the rest of us... we got wat they tell us we got.. its up to each individual to believe wat they believe... apart from that? no proof of any soul exists.. sry...
  6. D

    stupid love i caant gt a celeb out my head ?

    thats wat being a celeb is all about... you've been had by the p.r. but imagine it from his point of view.? the poor man cant go out.. or do stuff without a body of people around him.. otherwise he'd be mauled by all the fecless eejits who think they know him.. but to get bak to reality.. aint...
  7. D

    I'm making a dvd with photos of my friends for our uni graduation - do you...

    maths question... if all the girls on campus where laid end to end..... i woud'nt be at all surprised..!
  8. D

    Does this bike sound ok?

    'sounds ok.. looks good too... can't tell you much else doh..good luck.
  9. D

    do i need a psv operators license?

    is'nt public service different from private hire...? cheeck this though.. if you where to call yourself a club. you can carry as many as you wish.. as long as the passengers are 'club' members.. you could then demand a joining fee per punter, pick a name.. blah blah club.. this is the club...
  10. D

    do i need a psv operators license?

    is'nt public service different from private hire...? cheeck this though.. if you where to call yourself a club. you can carry as many as you wish.. as long as the passengers are 'club' members.. you could then demand a joining fee per punter, pick a name.. blah blah club.. this is the club...
  11. D

    i need help trying to find a good mafia game on the internet?

    mob wars..or mafia wars...
  12. D

    How to connect an electronic circuit?

    yep.. ground is the earth.. or negative.. these will run to neg or - on the spekers too
  13. D

    Help with identifying something thru hints?

    that'll be the multi colored condom selection, 500 pack it has a 1 month use by date, you gunna be busy boi....
  14. D

    can i tow a caravan after passing my test 2 years ago?

    ther'll be a weight restriction on towing.. it will tell you on your licence....
  15. D

    why wont my auto audi go up a gear?

    we had this problem ... automatic boxes have a filter inside them.. if it gets clogged in any way, then you loose pressure, which generally results in the loss of the higher gears.. or it wont go into top gear.. its not usually a 'mechanical' problem.. usually a simple fluid and filter change...