Recent content by DavidB

  1. D

    most embarasing thing you did infront of your girlfriends parents?

    fucked her in the corner while 3-4 people watched.
  2. D

    Is There Any Evidence that Lincoln Intended to Deport the Freed Slaves?

    I imagine Lincoln supported the idea of transporting freed slaves back to Africa in the area that ended up being Liberia. But there were so many blacks that it would have been utterly impractical to transport them all to Africa. America is a free country, and Lincoln believed in freedom. Some...
  3. D

    What movie do you think contributed the most towards the sci-fi genre?

    Johnny is right.....If one single movie contributed the most to the sci fi genre, it is "Metropolis"
  4. D

    blackberry bold 9900 battery problem?

    Your battery has developed memory. So you need to total drain the battery. Even turning it on when it says there is zero power to make sure it is totally dead. Then keep the un it off and charge it full and repeat the process. On the 4th cycle of this if the battery is not damaged, it will...
  5. D

    Does it seem like quite a few Jewish people are famous celebrities and billionaires?

    Yes..then they vote liberal. Never ceases to confuse me...
  6. D

    What is your favourite sci fi movie?

    1. Planet of the Apes (1969) 2. District 9 3. Blade Runner 4. Aliens 5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind 6. The Omega Man 7. The Thing (1982) 8. War of the Worlds 9. Invasion of the Body Snatchers 10. West World
  7. D

    Whipped Cream?

    Never tried it myself...:rolleyes:
  8. D

    Are you standing in a Black Friday line in hopes that you will get the

    Nope, I'm too busy getting brain washed by Fox News & MSNBC!
  9. D

    Who is your all time favorite fictional couple?

    Nick and Nora....who as husband and wife during the Great Depression exchanged wise cracks and solved murder mysteries in "The Thin Man" series.
  10. D

    finding something you lost

    good point. Should have replaced "get" with "understand". MAH B. My original account is 2k4
  11. D

    pop vs soda

    i live in VA and call it coke... pretty much everyone calls it coke or soda... you say pop and you get a weird look...
  12. D

    so i just bought a.........

    Your point?
  13. D

    My DVD-ROM drive is not present in My Computer. I can't play my CD-s now.

    You could possibly have a bad optical drive or a virus. Run a virus scan in Safe Mode. When you boot your computer press F8 and choose Safe Mode with Networking. Open a browser and download Malwarebytes and install it. After that run a complete scan. Make sure you update it.When the scan is...
  14. D

    Motorola MT2000 VHF-UHF Radio Software?

    I am looking for software for Motorola MT2000 software for 2 commercial 2-way radios. I have contacted Motorola and they no longer support these radios. Does anybody know where I could possibly download the software or acquire it?
  15. D

    Why do women kiss each other in the cheek when they greet?

    so they can secretly do their lesbo desires without being frowned upon by teh public =(.