Recent content by darrenm

  1. D

    film archangel said stalin monster did this mean put him in fantasy rpg game?

    the film archangel starring daniel craig said joseph stalin and those in his administration were monsters so wondering did anyone suggest the makers of the film put stalin into a role plating game online among the ogres or as faction in mercenary iv.v protector game? also did they provide links...
  2. D

    Conservatives are opposing the use of food stamps at KFC and Taco Bell! When will...

    sokka that bases education on happiness of humanity can help. also ask micheal moore to come down and make film on sokka and kfc issue . sokka helps all.
  3. D

    Are the Occupy Wall Street Protesters going to join the Veterans March in

    Well an elected media is good for restoring the u.s. constitution. as to the veterans well they could have toppled the government at any time installing green marxist free stores ideas if they had desire ,
  4. D

    google say no demand for un charter computer gadget?i made one?

    How do you get the United Nations Charter Computer Program to work on Google?
  5. D

    What would Abraham Lincoln think of Obama?

    the obama should create the oil police and raid toyota and free the u.s. from the oil companies like lincoln did the slaves . lincoln would see in regard police have of citizens similar attitudes as those of slave masters and corporations as the inheritors of that with you are a lazy bum if not...
  6. D

    G20 pictures of smashed cars fake in june 24 article on G20?

    Is there a way to prove if the black and white photograph depicting police as being overwhelmed at the G20 and the picture of the smashed car on it a fake? people say that Global Warming a scam but what about this? would this be the version of climate gate from the other side? News article
  7. D

    Lincoln sacrificed 660,000 Americans to end slavery, endless entitlement...

    So what you mean is a different set of politicians should be winning like green party or independents or the moderate party or libertarians or the liberal party or a new democratic party or socialist greens . also that bill of rights amendment should bring net under democratic control so...
  8. D

    Windows Mobile Bluetooth to Laptop. How do I send application data?

    I am designing a mobile application with Visual Studio, I need this app to send the data via Bluetooth to my laptop and record it in an SQL database. I can create the application ok but I am having problems setting up the connection for Bluetooth data transfer.
  9. D

    What was your favorite fashion trend of 2010?

    psychological torture by c.i.a. of muslim terrorist suspects though consstitutions as computer programs better counter. pierre burton in absirdities of 21st century suggests it was the barrel something water is stored in.
  10. D

    If Judaism is NOT a proselytizing religion, then how did the first few Jews...

    Butts kicked by Romans and Phillistines and then wandered desert for 40 years till strong enough to get kingdom. Would say jews just member of province of that kingdom near capital.
  11. D

    ps2 and ps1 abe's odyssey saving?

    i got the game from ebay and i play it on ps2 and trying to save it and will not save (ps2 memory card) so might it be the fact that im using a ps2 memory card or the disk condition?? it just appears to say that there is no memory card in there and it is in ive blew it and cleaned the disk...not...
  12. D

    What is the greatest vacation spot in the world?

    We won a trip valued at 10K dollars, and can go anywhere. Myself, wife, 13yr old son
  13. D

    D. Aravah: Do you understand what a person means when they say "Atheist...

    Convert would usually be religious term but an Atheist would mean attending but not part of Judaism or adhering to Judaic traditions but not of. Implies search to redo Atheism .
  14. D

    How did fire help improve the lives of Homo Erectus ( upright man)?

    Fire equals warmth a weapon against predators and a symbol of liberty. More fire in the form of oil perhaps shale rock oil possible for use.
  15. D

    Is there a grid users wordpress plugin?

    I am looking for a wordpress widget that would display all of my registered users in a perfect grid. Does anyone know of a widget already in existance that would help me to do that effortlessly? I don't have Wordpress MU so buddypress widgets are of no use.