Recent content by DanielE

  1. D

    Craziest Thing in school i could do?

    I don't know of very many crazy things you can do in 4th grade. Maybe fap it during recess?
  2. D

    Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?

    beaners coffee is delish. starbucks is also delish but fuck 10 dollars for a cup of joe.
  3. D

    Unconventional hotties

    Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films.... Marco Pierre White Alan Rickman back in the day
  4. D

    my brothers laptop dont start up?

    it says this windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.To fix the problem: 1. insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer. 2. choose your language settings, and then click "next." 3. click "repair your computer." if you do not have...
  5. D

    The Tardy Excuse Thread

    hahaha who the fuck says tardy
  6. D

    if you download a game on android market using wifi, once you download it can... play it without wifi? ok if i download something on andriod market can i use the app without any wifi? because i use wifi at my house, and when i go out can i use the apps or games on android market with no internet ( wifi)??
  7. D

    My Collection

    sparks!!!!! get sparks!!! its fucking awesome
  8. D

    Hey ST degenerates...when are you going to die?

    I bless you my son....for you have sinned and I have forgiven.
  9. D


    no. no it's not. you're wrong.
  10. D

    i want a tattoo, need suggestions

    very original :dodgy:
  11. D

    Giant ant hill

    poring water on them will only make them grow :rolleyes:
  12. D

    Tattoo design idea

    Well, if Keanu Reeves, Bruce Lee and Bush didn't have tattoos, best not get one then. What a fine list of examples!! Orwell, Roosevelt, Edison and Churchill had tattoos, as do the all the members of the Smut Peddlers and the Stitches.
  13. D

    how do i transfer itunes music to mytouch 4g (android 2.2 froyo)...for FREE?

    take the back cover off and take the battery out soter the mother board and make sure you spray paint it red and sand it down the sd card then put the battery in the DVD drive of your computer and burn your songs to the battery and then put spongebob stickers on it... after that you should have...
  14. D

    akins under fire for comments about legitimate rape, pregnancy

    As I the UK once a girl hits 16 she can have sex with whoever she likes and, evidently, many of them do. That age range things sounds more sensible though.
  15. D

    Revolutionary Inventions
