Recent content by danb

  1. D

    Math riddle/question?

    Make a large square that is 2 units by 2 units. That will take 8 tooth picks. Then take the four remaining toothpicks and place them inside the large square, subdividing the large square into four smaller squares.
  2. D

    What are the chances of surviving a lightning strike while driving in a...

    100% chance of survival and little to no damage to electronics (depending upon what the lightning bolt hits). However, the car itself may suffer some damage.
  3. D

    do you need any permits for recreation mining on national forests?

    Yes. State lands are usually easier and less restrictive than federal lands. Look up the state and federal offices in your yellow pages portion of the telephone book. Find their address and phone number. Information is something you can get on the phone from either agency, but the paperwork...
  4. D

    How do I stop a company from constantly calling me trying to sell me something I...

    When the phone rings, just pick it up and say nothing. Set it down and let them talk to the air. I do it all the time with telemarketers. They don't make money on wasted time. I try to waste as much of their time as I can. Hell, I'm retired, I've got the time to waste. When you talk to...
  5. D

    Samsung Galaxy Ace Data Usage and Sync?

    I'm thinking about buying a Samsung Galaxy Ace mobile phone on a UK monthly contract. The contract comes with 250mb of data usage which I thought would be sufficient for my light browsing. However, I've read elsewhere that this operating system synchronises with Google a lot at uses a lot of...
  6. D

    How many girls like hunt and fish and spend time outdoors?

    Depends entirely on where you hang your hat. It is MUCH easier to find the kind of girl you describe in one of the states best known for that type of activity than in states on the other side of the spectrum. As an example, girls west of the Mississippi River may have more exposure to those...
  7. D

    How to convince a modest (kind of) dad to upgrade himself from a BMW/Maserati to a

    YOU take YOUR money and buy your dad the car of YOUR choice. Maybe he'll let you drive it. Then, maybe not.
  8. D

    Statute of Limitations SOL on Cell Phone Debt in New Jersey - 2 or 6 years ?...

    Doesn't really matter. They can still come after you until hell freezes over. They just can't use the court system to get a judgment if you challenge it. If you don't challenge it or if you make an attempt to pay (actual payment or agreement) the SOL clock resets to ZERO and they win by...
  9. D

    what can be the issue with my 98 lincoln continental?

    I'll bet if you took it to a mechanic, they would have fixed it cheaper that what you've spent on it so far. It's almost impossible to troubleshoot from here. All we can do it guess, the same thing you're doing. I'm presuming you don't have an CEL light illuminated until the engine shuts down...
  10. D

    why don't ovens need exhaust vents?

    Ideally, if the gas stove/oven is adjusted properly, they generate little carbon monoxide from incomplete burning of fossil fuels. Incomplete burning is indicated by a yellow flame. And as others have said, stoves do not run for long periods of time or use as much fuel as a central heating...
  11. D

    Should I buy an ATV or a snowmobile?

    From my experience here in Alaska, I have a longer usable season for the ATV and it is also more versatile than a snowmobile. I can cross a two foot deep stream with the ATV whether it is frozen or not. Not so with the snowmobile. My ATV will handle the snow a WHOLE lot better than my...
  12. D

    Brand new energy efficient homes furnace barely blows any air out of

    Your builder hasn't got the common sense that God gave a potato. The HVAC contractor didn't do something correct. This is a problem I had with my heating system 30 years ago. Even though the return air duct may have a good filter in it, you may have a blockage somewhere in the return air...
  13. D

    Sony ericson cyber shot mobile phone?

    Right I broke my phone and am boring this but I can't send a normal text only an mms it doesn't give be an option for normal text messaging please help and I want to text friends and I can't ? What can I do ? To get it back to normall
  14. D

    Motor Oil - Must I keep using synthetic?

    Bought a used vehicle. It has synthetic oil in it. Must I replace it with synthetic oil or can I use regular oil?