Recent content by DanaN

  1. D

    Killer Whales = Big but Penguins = Smart

    Was that one of those inflatable boats? Their lucky the whales didn't take a bit out of it or just flip it over.
  2. D

    The Small Talk Holiday Scavenger Hunt of 07/08 Info (teams are full)

    Holy hell. It's obvious that you need to carve ST:Holiday Scavenger Hunt into the trunk :tup: Bonus points haha.
  3. D

    Stupid question thread

    if .333333333333333333333 = 1/3 and .66666666666666666666 = 2/3 why doesnt .9999999999999999 = 1 (3/3)
  4. D

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    God's chosen people is a religious belief, not a scientifically provable fact. The two need to be kept separate. Germans and Austrians have similar genes too, yet they seem to live fine in separate countries at this point. Were the Palestinians willing to do the same for Israel the issue would...
  5. D

    What are you scared of?

    Honestly, I can't understand why getting old is so worrisome to you folks. When I get old, I'm going to do commercials, stare at women's tushies, and hold the door for them, talk nicely, and I'll still get treated like a gentleman! Oh, I've got plans for getting old. While you can't do...
  6. D

    ST, Help me find a job.

    well lets see where my ive seen most of my friends work, Local minimart, wholesale market (Costco, Samsclub, whatever you have where you live), grocery store (pretty much everyone I know does it), golf courses (cleaning clubs, taking clubs in, my friend basically drives around in a golf cart and...
  7. D

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" So would you say that having so many legally owned firearms stored in peoples homes, in their cars or on their person makes it easier for criminals to get hold of firearms?
  8. D

    How does Spider-Man cling through his boots and gloves?

    No, but he did serve in the Air-Force. I believe he got court-martialed three times as well (although I'm not certain) but I know he got kicked out. I don't think he's a huge fan of the military.
  9. D

    US embassies attacked

    Yes very true, same with the Cartoon incident 12 prominet Muslim Councils issued letters of condemnation about the violence which recieved no to little media coverage. But this offcourse would not support what fox news&co are trying to sell Raz
  10. D

    Help, Im soooo Hungover!

    Hangovers are god's way of telling you not to be such an irresponsible scumbag. Stay with the pain, because you deserve it. That's what I do.
  11. D

    Libel laws and the UK... what/why/how

    The Wikipedia page on libel tourism isn't bad
  12. D

    MAP Stands in General Election

    My book (when it's eventually released) must be required reading for all higher education students. To complete their degree, every student must submit a 10,000 word thesis celebrating my awesomeness. Only wimmin with nice boobies will get a First degree (so that excludes every female user on MAP).
  13. D

    My girlfriend is awesome!

  14. D

    What makes you angry?

    People who judge me for being something they know nothing about. A specific example, though not the only thing, is the people who insist to me that homosexuality is a choice, when I've seen people suicidal because they don't want to be gay but are anyway. Another good one is the religious folk I...
  15. D

    Favorite Candy

    sweedish fish ftmfw