Recent content by dalek_sec986

  1. D

    GLEE POLL: You can only buy one.....?

    Let's say all the cast members of Glee have recorded their own albums and are all releasing them on the same day. You have a dilemma, you only have enough money to buy one persons CD! Who's would you buy and why? (they have the same songs, same price, same everything, only the voices are...
  2. D

    LG Dare: Can I get a lost picture back?

    I took a picture on my phone, but I didn't have time to push save. (I was driving) Can I get the last picture I took back, even if I didn't save it? :(
  3. D

    What is this Nintendo DS game?

    The cover had a girl with short white hair on it. It was about her looking for her dad I think and she had to find clues and solve puzzles. I think she was looking for him on an island. I really can't remember it because I finished it in 2 days. Can someone tell me the name? Both Billy & Pelboy...
  4. D

    Recommend some Sci-Fi movies for me please!?

    I just finished watching all the "Cube" movies and I really enjoyed them and I'm looking for some Sci-Fi-ish movies to watch now. Will you recommend some please? (Ones that are already out on DVD) Or some movies that make you think, like 'The Prestige' As said above ONES ALREADY OUT ON DVD!
  5. D

    Recommend some Sci-Fi movies for me please!?

    I just finished watching all the "Cube" movies and I really enjoyed them and I'm looking for some Sci-Fi-ish movies to watch now. Will you recommend some please? (Ones that are already out on DVD) Or some movies that make you think, like 'The Prestige' As said above ONES ALREADY OUT ON DVD!
  6. D

    I need help with my Panasonic DVD Recorder, Please!?

    I bought a Panasonic DVD Recorder (DMR-EZ485V) a few weeks ago and I can hardly get it to work! I don't know if it's because this is new and all my TVs are old (would have to say from the mid-90's) or if I'm doing something wrong. I can't get the USB or SD parts to work. The DVD and VHS players...
  7. D

    I need help with my Panasonic DVD Recorder, Please!?

    I bought a Panasonic DVD Recorder (DMR-EZ485V) a few weeks ago and I can hardly get it to work! I don't know if it's because this is new and all my TVs are old (would have to say from the mid-90's) or if I'm doing something wrong. I can't get the USB or SD parts to work. The DVD and VHS players...
  8. D

    On a trip to San Francisco and Sacramento what stores should I shop at or

    sites to see? I want to check out some stores like clothe, toy, candy, or music stores in San Francisco and Sacramento but I want them to be big. Like a giant Apple store or Virgin music store or Trader Joe's. Also I want to see some cool sites. No hiking or Fisherman's Warf please something fun
  9. D

    What are the differences between digital and analog TV?

    Like did analog signal go thru the ground on wires and digital thru the air? I've noticed that my analog signal is slightly faster than my digital why is that? When someone walks past the TV it make the signal go wacky and that hardly happened with analog why are we switching?