Recent content by Daddio

  1. D

    why do you think Dish network automatically removed MSNBC from their

    Probably because of LOW ratings
  2. D

    When will NKorea allow tourism and tourists to be welcomed to their country...

    Not a good idea for Americans..........unless you are big government, then you should go "visit"
  3. D

    REPUBLIKKANS, don't you know Pelosi fought special interests better than all y'all?

    as evidenced by her own personal opinion. gotta love it.
  4. D

    How can the republican party claim Obama as "weak", then have Bobby "Mr.

    are there so many blind partisans in the world? when do you think, they'll wake up and see the criminals in collusion? or are you so blind? Mr Obama's (notice the display of respect-something you lefties have no idea about)first 100 days have been a disaster by many measures. gop-dems--no...
  5. D

    i think my niece is a pervert.?

    Talk to your sister. Show her what you found if you have to. Your niece's safety is at stake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. D

    Should I be worried about my brother?

    You need to talk to your parents. If they won't listen, talk to another adult you trust (grandparents, aunt, uncle, preacher).
  7. D

    What foods can I eat that are healthy and super CHEAP?

    fruit and veggies!!! super easy too.
  8. D

    Should the American Car Industry be Nationalised?

    the price would be too high. tell me, amigo, what does your government do WELL? our's doesn't do much WELL.
  9. D

    I have a 1997 Honda Accord, what is the plastic that sits in the wheel well?

    it is a "splash shield". take it off, and just epoxy or duct tape it back together. you'll need to clean it first. (don't laugh at the duct tape idea, they use it in the pits in nascar for a reason!) EDIT:lots of electrical stuff in a car these days.....
  10. D

    I have a 1997 Honda Accord, what is the plastic that sits in the wheel well?

    it is a "splash shield". take it off, and just epoxy or duct tape it back together. you'll need to clean it first. (don't laugh at the duct tape idea, they use it in the pits in nascar for a reason!) EDIT:lots of electrical stuff in a car these days.....
  11. D

    I have a 1997 Honda Accord, what is the plastic that sits in the wheel well?

    it is a "splash shield". take it off, and just epoxy or duct tape it back together. you'll need to clean it first. (don't laugh at the duct tape idea, they use it in the pits in nascar for a reason!) EDIT:lots of electrical stuff in a car these days.....
  12. D

    Fema gives $5000 to my mom for her car but not me is this fair?

    mom should help you out. you already have enough going on "under the table".
  13. D

    Fema gives $5000 to my mom for her car but not me is this fair?

    mom should help you out. you already have enough going on "under the table".
  14. D

    Fema gives $5000 to my mom for her car but not me is this fair?

    mom should help you out. you already have enough going on "under the table".