Recent content by cynic32

  1. C

    Would you laugh if you saw a religious person call themselves a skeptic...

    I'd snort with my typical derision.
  2. C

    help! I'm Roman Catholic, but I'm finding Judaism to be the true way!!!!?

    So what's the problem? /just came to look at the cute baby
  3. C

    How many of you had to duck and dodge gunfire while shopping today? An old lady

    What were you doing with the other hand?
  4. C

    What's so interesting about you?

    I don't either. I write better than I talk. The meds messed me up. I used to be more eloquent. I know lots of odd little factoids. I know lots of things. Obscure things, funny things, sometimes impressive things. Things like how to spell a page long word just out loud from my head. I'm very...
  5. C

    Are you a hugger? Like when you greet people (family or non family)?

    Depends on my mood and the person's personality.
  6. C

    When I was at Starbucks a JW sat next to me and when we began to discuss religion...

    I feel your pain. However, I am surprised at his surprise. I was told JWs don't believe in burning hell. I had asked them about the 144,000, and said there's no way that includes all the dead babies, so what do you think? They go to hell? And the person said JWs don't believe in a burning hell. \
  7. C

    Is religion for asses only?

    Not everyone can be as awesome as an @ss, but God understands.
  8. C

    If you heard God had a sweet tooth what kind of dessert would you make for him?

    Share the recipe if it's really good.
  9. C


    they do that sometimes. Cool, huh?
  10. C

    Am I gullible to not be ( looking for omens that the world is gonna end) humor

    Theists aren't the only cherry pickers.
  11. C

    I have heard some prophecies in church start with "Thus Sayeth the Lord.." Does...

    If the King's English is good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me!
  12. C

    I found my son listening to "Highway to hell" by AC/DC?

    Didn't they put that song to elevator music?
  13. C

    How do christians feel about "people" from Krypton?

    They seemed rather nice.