Recent content by cwfuturewrestler

  1. C

    Craziest Thing in school i could do?
  2. C

    Cage fighters in armed robbery plot

    Uh oh................................... Guy Ritchie will be rubbing his hands as we speak!!!
  3. C

    Ring! Ring! Ring! I hear the school bell!

    thats a big fucking section of campus with nothing on it. what college is that?
  4. C

    Good ST Threads

    I see that many people in ST have complained that ST has become a non-quality part of offtopic. That being said, what is it that makes ST good? I've heard of epic threads, but those are long gone. I post this so random idiots don't come in here and post totally random ****. They will have an...
  5. C

    Itt:awesome Artwork

    fuck yeah
  6. C

    Why are there double standards in international policy?

    It's one set of nutjobs trying to stop another set of even bigger nutjobs from getting the dangerous toys they have. I mean...I don't like anyone having nukes but I'm glad that it's the Americasn, the UK, France etc that have them and not Iran and North Korea.
  7. C

    random questions

    teach her to read, though. the amount of information children can take in from reading things (not just books) is mind-blowing. if you can get her reading fluently before she hits first grade, she can learn whatever she puts her mind to.
  8. C

    Wheres the best semi-remote place to go on a romantic vacation in January?

    A nice scenic place, within driving distance of an airport, and nice hotel in the United States. Living in Massachusetts, id like it to be at least far enough away to where id have to fly, but no neccessarily a hot location
  9. C

    Wheres the best semi-remote place to go on a romantic vacation in January?

    A nice scenic place, within driving distance of an airport, and nice hotel in the United States. Living in Massachusetts, id like it to be at least far enough away to where id have to fly, but no neccessarily a hot location
  10. C

    Sumo wrestling

    Isn't Sumo riddled with corruption, both in and out of the ring? I also read a great deal of bullying goes on in Sumo stables That said I would not like to fight a sumo *edit--inside Japan that is*
  11. C

    Blue Ray Players compatible with regular tvs?

    Are blue ray dvd players compatible with tvs that ARENT high def tvs??
  12. C

    Blue Ray Players compatible with regular tvs?

    Are blue ray dvd players compatible with tvs that ARENT high def tvs??
  13. C

    Wheres the best semi-remote place to go on a romantic vacation in January?

    A nice scenic place, within driving distance of an airport, and nice hotel in the United States. Living in Massachusetts, id like it to be at least far enough away to where id have to fly, but no neccessarily a hot location
  14. C

    Should the current monetary system be abolished?

    I'm not sure why you think unions would cease to exist. The UK has a national minimum wage and we still have unions.