Recent content by curious1

  1. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Got to be worth it. I'd call that incentive to misbehave and a dare
  2. C

    plz fill in my questionnaire! for my coursework

  3. C

    Japan raise the bar several thousand feet on pranks

    My god. It's full of velociraptors.
  4. C

    Strategies for dealing with negative thoughts and depression.

    I didn't say he was depressed. I gave a strategy for combating the blues and then went on to elaborate that if the blues are something more, they can't be combated with conventional means like running or thinking positive thoughts.
  5. C

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    I think from the amount I am posting here I fall into the 'people who have too much time on their hands' Though I do look good in Gucci Glasses and a white billowing robe.
  6. C

    Clocks go back 1 hour.

    You all are loons for changing your clocks twice a year. Quite foolish it all is. There's no gain. There's only waste.
  7. C

    The most excessive Nerf gun ever

    I work at Target lol. One of my friends there was stocking toys, he opened the box up, and came running over to me with it in his hands screaming. We were gonna buy them but we only got 2 in and we decided buying them both at 8 when the store opens wouldnt be fair to the little kids. Plus, we'd...
  8. C

    how much

    A vasectomy.
  9. C

    So do you Sit, or Stand on the wipe?

    you will get nothing and like it
  10. C

    The interweb back in the day

    Wow, how things change. How did you manage to preserve all that?
  11. C

    Looky what I got.

    I am officially very envious of you.
  12. C

    things cops arent allowed to dO?

    What the fuck do you think grammar is then?
  13. C


    how r u still in school?
  14. C

    Working Class Hero: Steven Slater.

    See, if we're gonna give the man a song, I was thinking something more along the lines of this one YouTube- Get over it