Recent content by Cribber

  1. C

    3 days, 1 goal... i need your help.

    Invite a bunch of people to what they believe is a party, charge them 5 dollars at the door then after a short time scream cops. Everyone will scatter and the mess would be minimal.
  2. C

    What the hell?!?!

    Erm............. Yes please! A little help would be nice....
  3. C

    Man Federation!

    Bow to me minions! Rules #1. Thou shall never ride on the back of a buddies motorcycle.
  4. C

    Happy New Year

    Sweet, which one did you choose? MP or other?
  5. C

    Do Your worst

    /thread :dodgyrun:
  6. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Have you ever thought that it could be genuine praise? Whatever it is, you need to let it go. If I give you a glass of water will you find it heavy? Does it become heavier if you hold it at arms length for an hour? What about if you have to carry it around for a lifetime, does it become a...
  7. C

    New social classes?

    You could. You'd have trouble getting into Harrow or Eton though wouldn't you? No matter how much money you acquire.
  8. C

    British/English Humor - the list

    and this - ahahahahahhahahah: Big Train - Cake Factory - YouTube
  9. C

    What do you owe an employer?

    You may wish to see how enforceable the contract is before going too far. From a labor point of view, you have committed to this first job by verbally accepting and by physically sighing it. Will you need to resign? You may wish to look at the contract language first. Morally, I would recommend...
  10. C

    Biggest pool ever made

    All that makes me think about is Caddy Shack
  11. C

    Science-y question about space travel

    Oooh, interesting thing that proves that the Universe is not quite like normal GCSE geometry space. In normal life stuff looks smaller from further away, the "angular diameter reduces with distance". Therefore you expect galaxies to appear smaller the further away they are, but the FRW metric...
  12. C

    Cunning, plotting rapists and pedophiles

    I think the main problems would come in the initial switch over from "not naming" to "naming". Once naming was the norm it would then become another part of the punishment and one of the measures designed to prevent the crimes happening in the first place (surely the best outcome all round?)...
  13. C


    Goodbye dude, wish you all the best in this. At least now you’re not suffering alone with it. Peace and love.
  14. C

    Do you think some illegal drugs should be made legal?

    you meen me no writuum korecktly? purhops ee shal jist rite l'yk dis frum'now on. tank-u gies. u r da bestes.