Recent content by CottonEyeJoe

  1. C

    Would you support going back to a gold standard like we had before money was fiat?

    uh no. you should do some actual reading on the subject, it is quite clear that this is a very stupid idea. unemployment would be running at 30% right now at the minimum. cut the ron paul/peter schiff cult.
  2. C

    Who can help me with a great short joke?

    A little Polish boy came home and said to his mother, "My teacher asked the entire class a question and only I could answer it." The mother asks,"What was the question?" The kids replies, "Who farted?"
  3. C

    What do you think? Add a riddle with your answer (=?

    I just gave you a star. Riddle: What do you get when you mix white clothes and black clothes?
  4. C

    How much should I pay for laser surgery in Los Angeles?

    Where do you recommend getting it done?
  5. C

    How much is too much..............?

    You know what I mean or do you?
  6. C

    Optimistic look on President Barry Hussein?

    I thought the bridge to nowhere was bad but this is worse. It's like the bridge to the end of America.
  7. C

    Will Bill O'Rielly still support Obama with this new health care package ?

    O'Reilly is the Devil. He will support it if it means that it will fail.
  8. C

    Will Bill O'Rielly still support Obama with this new health care package ?

    O'Reilly is the Devil. He will support it if it means that it will fail.