Recent content by Collywolly

  1. C

    the rim of my bell end is attached to my foreskin, i had been told pulling...

    Not the kind of question i normally answer, but no I shouldn't get infected and it wont 'drop off'. If /when you start having penetrative sex this problem should go away on its own as the mere act in itself should bring on a cure. Might sting a bit but wash reg and just don't pull down to hard...
  2. C

    What do I do about an aggressive truck driver?

    You should of started honking at him back and fliped him the bird, naa you should report him
  3. C

    I need help with iPad 2!!!!?

    If you have a wifi home connection at home then get the 250 if you don't get the 2g (250 is not much)
  4. C

    I need help with iPad 2!!!!?

    If you have a wifi home connection at home then get the 250 if you don't get the 2g (250 is not much)
  5. C

    I need help with iPad 2!!!!?

    If you have a wifi home connection at home then get the 250 if you don't get the 2g (250 is not much)
  6. C

    I need help with iPad 2!!!!?

    If you have a wifi home connection at home then get the 250 if you don't get the 2g (250 is not much)
  7. C

    I need help with iPad 2!!!!?

    If you have a wifi home connection at home then get the 250 if you don't get the 2g (250 is not much)