Recent content by coldfuse

  1. C

    Hannity sez to buy the biggest SUV to irritate liberals,but don't they use a lot of

    Not if Obama and Democrats would allow drilling and pipelines in our own nation. Perhaps liberals think that a Canadian pipeline is a bigger threat.
  2. C

    is it ironic at all that NOW the right-wingers complain about "tyrrany"...

    Many traditional conservatives were opposed to DHS. However, in the Congress, the vote in favor of the Patiot Act was nearly unanimous.
  3. C

    How can there be debate on Y!A when communication has degraded to where...

    Of course he said "black." He even says he said "black." Bill O'Reilly last night jumped Santorum for singling out blacks. In the middle of a 99 county, eight million pizza parlor whirwind of an Iowa campaign, the guy said one word he shouldn't have. And now some people are going to call it...
  4. C

    Is there a rumor that Condoleezza Rice and George Bush may of had an affair?

    This is the type of things you might expect an old church lady to say while gossip-mongering at her bridge club meeting.
  5. C

    Is it a wonder that the GOPers aren't Bashing Gloria Cain yet?

    We don't need to. Yahoo leftists have already dissed her enough, even being so shallow as to make unkind comments about her looks. PS: Bashing Maria Shriver? Oh, good grief.
  6. C

    Trivia..Who is this Politician..?

    He is a Senator from Hawaii who was also a World War II hero.
  7. C

    I need to sound intelligent when I argue?

    You can control a conversation by asking questions - open ended questions in particular. Examples: Interesting - can you tell me more about that? When you read over both the Republican and Democrat health care bills, which one did you like better? What made that one stand out?
  8. C

    Does using the word "teabaggers" make liberals feel funny, creative,...

    ...condescending, or something else? Or is it simply a word used by the more puerile members of our community? I fully recognize that conservatives used the term briefly until discovering the alternative, more vulgar meaning. It appears that liberals have decided to run with the vulgarity. And...
  9. C

    "Muslims attacked us on 9/11." Those Muslims were also Homo sapiens. Are all

    It would be a logical fallacy to conclude that all Homo sapiens are terrorists simply because a portion of them are terrorists, just as it it fallacy to conclude that all liberals are Marxists just because some of them are Marxists.
  10. C

    "Recession Officially Ended June 2009" so what will rightwingers whine about now?

    In terms of GDP, it is correct to say that the recovery started almost exactly at midnight, July 1 of last year. But here's the deal: since later that month, when Obama claimed credit, he has owned the economy. He can't take credit for the good and blame others for the bad; yet that is...
  11. C

    Why does the liberal crew of the Sea Shepard(Whale Wars) hoist the "Jolly

    I have enjoyed much of the Whale Wars series (and I am quite conservative). The Sea Shepherd crew consider themselves to be pirates.
  12. C

    Can anyone name one liberal who has argued that there is no legal right to burn

    This is about like asking for one conservative who argues that Muslims do not have a legal right to build an Islamic cultural center close to ground zero. I think most people know they have the right. Most people - including moderate Muslims - simply think the idea is offensive.
  13. C

    Obama envisions himself as "The New Lincoln." Why would he model himself on a tyrant?

    I certainly hope Obama won't send troops to attack Virginia as Lincoln did.
  14. C

    Favorite thing to get at Taco Bell?

    Sick. I always get sick when I eat at Taco Bell.
  15. C

    Did you hear BP CEO whining that he wants his life back?

    You are realy that clueless and hateful, aren't you? Do you really think this is what he wants? And do you honestly believe that 6% net income on total revenue is "ripping people off?" How does your company do, if you work?