Recent content by cLumsy

  1. C

    making a fire extinguisher flamethrower?

    Im not for sure if it was already asked but what kind of gas did you use?
  2. C

    So i might be beaten to death..

  3. C

    what are you

    I've been temp'd a few times but not perm'd on this account.
  4. C


    I usually have to get to know someone for several months quite well on here before I meet them. Hence I avoid big meets like the plague :vroam:
  5. C

    Good ST Threads

  6. C

    Is Orinda California a dream vacation destination?

    I have always wanted to visit glamorous California. I wanted to see Hollywood and Bevely Hills. My friends told me I have to see Orinda first. It's an extra plane ride because now I have to fly up to Oakland airport to get there, but I guess I should be sure to see everything while I am here...
  7. C

    Can you get the custom ringtones to work on your iPhone?

    I cain't get them to work at all
  8. C

    words that rhyme with soccer?

    cock her. clock fur. glock her.
  9. C

    Poll/Survey: Why don't some people proofread their questions before they hit submit?

    I guess they're in a hurry? Or maybe they aren't, and are just too stupid to realize what they just said made no sense.
  10. C

    Why do I LOSE INTEREST in guys after i have SEX with them?

    You probably just lose respect for them after.
  11. C

    Boy Meets World or The Wonder Years?

    Which is better?
  12. C

    WIFE POLL: Would you please steal your brothers PS3 so I could watch...

    No. My brother loves his ps3, I would never do that. Watchmen is a good movie, though. Wife poll?
  13. C

    Question about sleeping pills?

    I've been taking Tylenol PM and other over the counter sleeping pills for several months now. I can't fall asleep on my own. Do they lose their effect after a while? I started taking 1 or 2 a night and now I'm taking up to 4. I'm 5'2" and 108lbs, so I don't know if I should be taking that...
  14. C

    How long was the 100 Years' War?

    Just kidding, but please tell me more about this historical event...
  15. C

    Do you hate celebrity award shows?

    I do. I hate all these spoiled rich folks kissing each others a****. I hate the stupid red carpet "who are you wearing?" and those riduculous poses the idiot stars do. They are acting like preschoolers in dress up clothes. Yeah, and I am not watching. Just hate even hearing that they are...