Recent content by ClaytonT

  1. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    B bbbb but............ Everyone knows that blonds have more fun wolfie!
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    1,300 Best Public High Schools in America

    all 3 senior high schools made it from my city of course mine is the worst
  3. C

    Do you enjoy having a gut?

    I don't understand.
  4. C


    He's the only barber. Plus, female aren't reffered to as barbers.
  5. C

    Dragons, were they real animals?

    I think there's a good chance they were real, but I doubt they breathed fire.
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    Girls on Facebook that you would do dirty dirty things to

    I want to cum inside the guy, then the girl, with the fury of a thousand gods.
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    Space Exploration Possiblities

    Better porn sites.
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    my life revolves around money

    because we all know republicans are wrong
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    Dodgy Day at my school

    You havent seen any dodgys around cinci have you?
  10. C

    thoughts on the Michael Jackson trial?

    ... and you'll believe any load of old tosh.
  11. C

    Everything you ever wanted to know about MAP members (but were too afraid to ask)

    Question: When will Knight Errant stop living in sin with Kinjiro and make an honest woman out of her? Question: Why exactly is it that Tika tackles everyone? Question: Where the hell are my gi pants I lost last summer? Question: If Andy M. is always on the move, how come he's able to watch...
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    Prisoners set up MMA tourney

    spot on Slippy, i could'nt agree anymore thats all we need , let criminals have access to trainers/coaches so when they get out they can be ..............what .............. more dangerous
  13. C

    is it possible...

    fastest i've seen was easily under a minute. i could probably do it if i wanted, but i don't have the desire and/or patience to sit down and learn how. meh. indifference ftw.