Recent content by Clarkie

  1. C

    Which are current good sci-fi and fantasy book series?

    Fantasy happens to be my favorite genre, and I read extensively. Some of my favorites include: You could try Graceling by Kristen Cashore. Here's a description (I hand typed it because I couldn't find it online, so any typo's are mine. Without further ado, the description: His eyes. Kasta had...
  2. C

    How come E fiction can't be as popular as fantasy,sci-fi,mystery, and romance?

    Because we live in a society where that sort of thing is not read or discussed in public, it's private and somewhat embarrassing and not appropriate for a public forum. It's also limited in the age range of people who read it. The most popular books are widely read, by both youths and adults...
  3. C

    Recommend a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book I haven’t read…?

    I often feel as you do. I was going to recommend Name of the Wind (one of my favorites, which I'm currently rereading) but I see you've already got it on your list. I guess I then have two suggestions, the first better than the second unfortunately (though of course, both are very good, the...
  4. C

    Where on the internet can I find thumbnails of all of the different covers that there you go!
  5. C

    Question for people with iphone?

    On the iphone, can you create flair on facebook?
  6. C

    How much would one of those cards that you stick in a laptop to get worldwide...

    ...internet access cost? And which one would you recomend. Is there an installation process, or can you stick it right in and recieve the internet wherever you are? if I go to another country will it work, or do I have to be hooked up to the internet at all times? I have wireless at home, but I...