Recent content by ckramerlive

  1. C

    Is atheism an accepted religion for the Boy Scouts of America?

    What everyone else said. :)
  2. C

    Is not any belief a religion even if one only makes it a way of life?

    No. :) I have my own personal beliefs about God, I'm not christian nor am I religious or believe in any of the organized faith groups. My ideas are not my God. I call the force or Energy behind all of existence, including my own existence, and creation God. I am but a particle of God.
  3. C

    Is not any belief a religion even if one only makes it a way of life?

    No. :) I have my own personal beliefs about God, I'm not christian nor am I religious or believe in any of the organized faith groups. My ideas are not my God. I call the force or Energy behind all of existence, including my own existence, and creation God. I am but a particle of God.
  4. C

    "Me" religion, is that what society tends to look for?

    I'm not necessarily me focused, I am however focused on who I am individually in God and my purpose in life. There's a difference. :) Religion has no bearing on who I am as an individual. In my opinion religion can be a great distraction leading us away from our True Selves.
  5. C

    Christians, are you praying for the upcoming election and future direction

    How about this all: "Vote for who you believe has the most knowledge wisdom and forsight. I voted today. Then let it go and realize the outcome will be God's decision, for whatever reason.... It usually works out that way anyway. :)
  6. C

    Religion is Peaceful?

    Yes, religion isn't peaceful, the person themself is or isn't peaceful. Before anyone gets offended, I love everyone everywhere, I do NOT love religion. It is a word only, empty at that and it divides. Love is the greatest aspect of God, religion is not. "Identifying" with religion causes...
  7. C

    What are the basic ideas of your religion/beliefs and why should I follow it?

    Well, the greatest aspect of God is Love, it isn't religion. I'm not slamming religion. Religion isn't tangible and lacks substance, God is tangible and is full of substance. It is my belief that religion is NOT a pre-requisite to Loving God. No where in the bible does it say that one has to...
  8. C

    how to distance myself from over-thinking the future?

    .....or a better person. :) Yes. You will more than likely become sick of thinking about it so much. :) That is part of what did it for me, I don't go by any titles but just as a child of God, not referring or calling you one, speaking for myself only as I do not impose God on anyone. :)...
  9. C

    Do the huge number of denominations prove that no god would entrust religion to

    God still speaks today to those with a receptive spirit. Invite him in to talk. I did this years ago, 1996 to be exact. :) I wasn't disappointed. However, not many are willing to accept this and some call it evil for some reason. I don't know why this is. Talk to God from your own heart...
  10. C

    I'm confused about religion(believers only)?

    Seek the truth that is within your own heart, seeking what others suggest can only bring confusion and heart ache. Most important is Love for God, not which religion ones belongs to. I am of no religion, but I Love God immensely. That is all I need. I do not need or desire the approval of...