Recent content by Christie

  1. C

    How can I watch Netflix on Telus Optik TV?

    My family wants to get Netflix so I can watch on my laptop and stuff.. but they wanna be able to watch it through their TV in the living room. How can we 'hook up' or download Netflix so it works on our TV?
  2. C

    Bratwurst Patties...? Any recipe ideas for me?

    I have prepackaged bratwurst patties. I don't want to make a "burger" with them. I was thinking about throwing the patties in a skillet and cooking them like regular ground beef. Any ideas? Fettuccine pasta? etc.?
  3. C

    My guinea pig is whining and severely favoring her leg- what should I do?

    My pig hadn't been eating as much as normal the last several days, and she had a little stuff around her eyes once (like two days ago). Today she was lying on her side, holding her back left leg in the air and whining. After I moved her Pigloo and petted her for a while she stood up and...
  4. C

    who is you celebrity crush?

    Emma Watson :)
  5. C

    Epic Pokemon Thread

    I had the red version too, it was by far, way better than blue. Charzard ftw.
  6. C

    Best area of downtown Seattle, WA to live in?

    I am a 34 year old professional who would like to live downtown Seattle and not sure of areas to live in, do not want too young and I am straight so probably not Capito Hill. I would like to walk to bars, restaurants etc.
  7. C

    My boyfried tells me to leave when we argue?

    We live in my boyfriends house. We just got engaged after three years and he JUST told me for the first time, that he loves me. It's been a very long difficult road but it has been worth it. I am open and honest about everything we do, but I'm a little frustrated. When I tell him how I feel...
  8. C

    any good book suggestions?

    i need read a book for a class called "what is reality." im looking for a book that has to do with dreams vs. reality, or time traveling etc. something that makes you question reality. examples are alice in wonderland, the time travelers wife, frankenstein, coraline..any other ideas? thanks!
  9. C

    Most interesting Canadian history topic out of the following...?

    I have to write an essay on one of the topics in this list. I've love to see everyone's input as to which is the most interesting out of them because I am not sure which to pick. List here:
  10. C

    Google Android Pre-installed programs?

    I'm trying to find out the programs that are installed on it before that addition of other programs by the user. E.g. the last photo down below i've uninstalled two programs and now my android refuses to load. if you know of...
  11. C

    Google Android Pre-installed programs?

    I'm trying to find out the programs that are installed on it before that addition of other programs by the user. E.g. the last photo down below i've uninstalled two programs and now my android refuses to load. if you know of...
  12. C

    So, can I get some Tumblr help on here?

    Well, I just started a Tumblr and I don't really know anyone else who has one. I was wondering if we could start a little I follow you, you follow me stuff going on. I just wanna get started but dont know how. My Tumblr is "eitsirhc" is just my name backwards.
  13. C

    Does anyone have good/funny ideas for a sex toy party invite wording?

    I want it to sound catchy and amusing, but not trashy. Any ideas?
  14. C

    What could be causing me to feel "on edge" at random times? Blood sugar, anxiety?

    What could be causing me to feel "on edge" at random times? Blood sugar, anxiety? I have never been known to have anxiety. Over the last week I have felt "off" physically. It is almost like a switch was flipped one day. At random times I feel like my limbs are heavy and my heart feels like...