Recent content by chickenfarmer

  1. C

    Do you ever allow your kids to wear these kind of shirts? (don't click if...

    There were a few that I would not put on my child but the rest were great..... My brother's ex owns a store in Atlanta that makes similar shirts and he bought us a few like megadeth, dunkin dookie etc....
  2. C

    Now that we accept women lounging around the house in sweats will men be able to...

    Yeah, I'm gonna laugh. If my husband started doing that I would not be able to get aroused.
  3. C

    How would you feel if you found this in your 16-year-old daughter's chat logs?

    I think you know that you shouldn't let it go unignored.
  4. C

    Do you allow your children to go on play dates when the parents of the other...

    If they smoke outside, I would allow it. Neither of my children need to be exposed to that but my youngest (asthmatic) especially. If the parent smoked in the house and my child really wanted to play with the child, I would have the playdate at my house.
  5. C

    For those who've seen 'mom at sixteen' (w/Mercedes Ruhl) do you believe the girl

    willingly gave up her child? or did her mother push her into it? I'm just wondering where you feel the line is drawn when it comes to coercion. I waivered back and forth between feeling she was making her own decision and feeling that her mother talked her into it. Yes, it's just a movie but it...
  6. C

    Why are Politicans and Hollywood actors lumped together. It is very degrading to...

    Because entertainers don't know when to keep their mouths shut. It's one thing to want to rally people to take an interest in politics (to change the way things are done) but to suggest they know who should be in office more than anyone else is ridiculous.
  7. C

    Why are Politicans and Hollywood actors lumped together. It is very degrading to...

    Because entertainers don't know when to keep their mouths shut. It's one thing to want to rally people to take an interest in politics (to change the way things are done) but to suggest they know who should be in office more than anyone else is ridiculous.
  8. C

    Why are Politicans and Hollywood actors lumped together. It is very degrading to...

    Because entertainers don't know when to keep their mouths shut. It's one thing to want to rally people to take an interest in politics (to change the way things are done) but to suggest they know who should be in office more than anyone else is ridiculous.
  9. C

    Why are Politicans and Hollywood actors lumped together. It is very degrading to...

    Because entertainers don't know when to keep their mouths shut. It's one thing to want to rally people to take an interest in politics (to change the way things are done) but to suggest they know who should be in office more than anyone else is ridiculous.
  10. C

    Moms, do you have a workout routine?

    I stay at home and homestead (partially) so between my kids, chores and other jobs, I get most of the workout I need. I'm grateful not to sit behind a desk all day.
  11. C

    Men and Women: what is one aspect of traditional marriage and modern

    marriage that you cannot live with? So you've gotten pretty attached to your hand then raj? Moondrag: hey, if ain't baroque, don't fix it..... Time will tell:answer it w/the definition as it applies to you......I'm not asking soley based on my own interpretation, I'd love to hear what yours...
  12. C

    Men and Women: what is one aspect of traditional marriage and modern marriage...

    ...that you cannot live with? So you've gotten pretty attached to your hand then raj? Moondrag: hey, if ain't baroque, don't fix it..... Time will tell:answer it w/the definition as it applies to you......I'm not asking soley based on my own interpretation, I'd love to hear what yours is:)...
  13. C

    Men and Women: what is one aspect of traditional marriage and modern marriage...

    ...that you cannot live with? So you've gotten pretty attached to your hand then raj? Moondrag: hey, if ain't baroque, don't fix it..... Time will tell:answer it w/the definition as it applies to you......I'm not asking soley based on my own interpretation, I'd love to hear what yours is:)...
  14. C

    I'll start out by saying this is a rant and I'm sure it's going to get...

    ...deleted but I've seen a lot? q and a's about breastfeeding/bottlefeeding and the battle between. I just wanted to say that most breastfeeding moms (myself included) don't look down on bottle feeders. We'd love to see every women at least try it but we definitely understand that it's not going...