Recent content by Chica

  1. C


    bamf alert
  2. C

    The Acronym Thread (TAT)

    Viagra on tiny erections. Cottonpickers lynched in no time over night. roflpenar
  3. C

    Is ok to listen to music that degrades woman if you're a girl ?

    Ok so I like the song dance(ass) and many other songs that say similar things I like the songs but I feel bad listening to them. Like how he says he pays the stripper with d
  4. C

    What would you say about whining?

    I help at a school with grades k-3rd and sometimes get major whiners that use their whiny voice when they don't want to do something. I am trying not to say things like "I don't like it when you whine", cause some of them don't care whether I like it or not and they keep on doing it. Instead I...
  5. C

    What's with these weird cravings? I never crave food?

    I've been craving alot of random foods for the past week and a half, stuff I would never eat. Stuff like chocolate, burgers, and McDonald's fries. But especially burgers, which is something I don't like at all. This can't be PMS because I don't crave anything before my period. What else could...
  6. C

    ST lego competition.

    I only said that because I got that for my 11h birthday.
  7. C

    oakley oil drums

    whats the point in making fake oakleys when theyre already cheap as fuck...
  8. C

    Fox Gore!!!

    Hey waxball where in 352 do you live? Because isnt that area code used by like 3 other counties?
  9. C

    Is this unethical?

    Just bypass his ass and take the cans to the recycling place yourself and coin up. Edit: yeah, what nenovielK said.
  10. C

    This is really bothering me? What does it mean?

    sounds like to me your inner conscious missing your birth mother and wanting the love and wanting to find her to get that bond to sum it all up but I could be wrong but that's what I'm getting from your dream alot of times dreams are expressing what you're feeling down deep inside n since she is...
  11. C

    So, George Bush...

  12. C

    COOKS: thinking of making chicken for my girlfriend tonight any ideas?

    chicken salad, blackened chicken pasta, chicken alfredo, dont do fried chicken, chicken cordon bleu (i know thats not on the stove, but its really good!) look on :) hope i helped
  13. C

    Biggest pool ever made

    I would pee in that pool sooooooo much. Soooooooooo much.
  14. C

    st wtf kind of bug is this?

    That picture sucks.