Recent content by cecoles

  1. cecoles


    The "What are your unanswered questions" thread. But when you throw it in the opposite direction it is essentially starting from a dead stop, so it would be accelerating in the other direction at 10 mph. Not sure though, but i like debates.
  2. cecoles

    Argument help

    I knew it. :facepalm:
  3. cecoles

    15-Year-Old Jailed for Skipping School

    Thus my marked lack of interest in seeing you spanked.
  4. cecoles

    Watch what you post in future...

    I think there's a lesson or two in there somewhere...
  5. cecoles

    Ring! Ring! Ring! I hear the school bell!

    why would you even talk about it?
  6. cecoles

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Spent the weekend so far working with my brother cleaning cars and doing his garden and it seems training has mad eme like pyshical work. Actually tempted to look for a job now
  7. cecoles

    parents and non parents.

    Besides not wanting to be a parent your not much into humor either. That's a shame. I can see a life with no children but a life with no humor, so sad. Please notice the smiley, I am joking and this is used as an indicator. From now on I shall use one when I post humor so the humor...
  8. cecoles

    The best X-mas song

    Band Aid, Do they know its Christmas. Reminds us all while we wallow in excess at this time of year of the millions not as fortunate as ourselves.
  9. cecoles


    difference between you and clay aiken is he isnt poor.
  10. cecoles

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting It is not an assumption, it is how your first post was written, which is why you have received the replies you have. You did say you would demote them in class, you did not say privately. This would have completely changed the context of your arguement.
  11. cecoles

    Obama or Oh Bummer?

    something romney said during the first debate hit home for me and i never forgot it. He said that he had great success when he was the governor of mass. He also said that that house there was full of democrats. a majority of them. So I thought, well duhh he could be called successful, maybe...
  12. cecoles

    Filipino military from Iraq

    51 troops? BIG deal it's not as if they were caving in to the terrorists's demands- don't the government say it's not that at all?
  13. cecoles

    Finally! A decent job!

    I still remember that i worked in KFC for $1.50 an hour. After 2 years, I got raise to $1.60 an hour.
  14. cecoles

    Prisoners set up MMA tourney

    Anyone driving one of these should be taken out and shot. Horrible Bentley rip-off. Are Chrysler becoming the new Lexus?