Recent content by Cay

  1. C

    How to win against a black belt karate bully?

    First of all, it's Wednesday. Second of all, grow up and stop being stupid, fights DO NOT solve the situation, you shouldn't of got involved in the first place. Thirdly, don't make yourself the bully, tell another adult and walk away, you will only get hurt. I hope you're smart enough to realise...
  2. C

    How do I stop my cat being naughty?

    My cat has been clawing my walls for quite a while. It's incredibly annoying but I usually just take her paws of the wall or call her and she stops. She doesn't like the scratching posts we got her. However. I called her to stop just a second ago, and she ignored me, I got up to take her paws...
  3. C

    If i put these fish in my tank, will it be too crowded (more detailed)?

    Okay, I'm starting an aquarium and need some advice on how many fish to put in. I currently have a 30L (8 gallon) tank, freshwater, will include live plants. I'm considering putting in 1 betta (fighting fish), 1 bristlenose catfish (or something similar) and 4 neon tetras. I understand that the...
  4. C

    How do you retrieve Myxer tone ringtones on Blackberry tour?

    I have a blackberry tour and i want to make my own ringtone on, but when i download it I cant find the ringtone anywhere on my phone. Does anyone know how to find it and set it up at my ringtone?
  5. C

    Who is better looking out of these 2 celebs?

    Yes, I agree with you too, Julia Roberts to me looks better looking. Plus, I'm not that bi about Kate Winslet. I haven't heard much about her anyway.
  6. C

    what is Budweiser's target marketing group?

    age : mid 30's-40's working adults gender: male financial standing: middle to high earner just came from my random thoughts. bud is quite expensive.
  7. C

    how do i connent 3.5mm earphone plug into a car stereo?

    i have a shite pair of earphones so i cut off the earphone part and now im left with the plug part. I tried to somehow connect it up (plug part) to my car speaker wires so i hoped if i was to plug it into my laptop or mp3 player, it would play sound through the speakers. it didn't go down very...