Recent content by CAustin

  1. C

    Katie Couric interview with Sarah palin

    Hey man, you made the claim. Either you back it up with credible evidence (no, conservative flame-rags do not count as evidence), or your argument may be dismissed the same way it was admitted. Without evidence. Further, what is the big problem? Even if the guy was declared as a Muslim when...
  2. C

    Watchful Neighbors

    lol alright, that's fucking funny.
  3. C

    All bow before me....

    If anyone else gets the "misplaced" admin badge (or any other badge they shouldn't have!) please PM/email me. Going to have a look at it tomorrow if I find time.
  4. C

    Should those driving a 10 mpg Full Size SUV do Americas future a favor and switch...

    No, I don't think so. I think that, as gasoline continues to be expensive and alternatives are increasingly available, the market will shift away from gas-fueled vehicles in general the same way we shifted away from candlelight as electric lights became cheap and available. We don't need to...
  5. C

    Worst State in the Union

    How come no one has said Washington yet? I mean c'mon, highest suicide rate, always raining, why is it even still part of the US? We should just give it to Canada.
  6. C

    Love Honour and Obey

    *throws petals at the drunk boys' feet*
  7. C

    Name This Animal

    An ant eater of some sorts?
  8. C

    I shat bricks.

    sorry Mr.Jackson ,didn't mean it that way.
  9. C

    Man robs store with banana.

  10. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    New to the topic, seems like a sort-of outlet About to ask out a female friend of mine, she tells she has a boy friend. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  11. C

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    My name is Aegis, and I like going into chat verbally slapping 14 year old Sokey-Dai's then making it my sig
  12. C

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand!

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand! No one cares that you're gay, stop being an attention whore about it.
  13. C

    Change the song name

    As Time Goes By... Frank Sinatra.
  14. C

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    I really gotta lose weight