Recent content by carolp

  1. C

    Girl keeps on saying "that's funny" all the time after I am expressing my humor. WTF?

    I'll tell you what, if i don't like a joke i don't laugh or say its funny, so i do believe that she is being truthful.
  2. C

    Random fun quiz 10 easy points?

    1. Water 2. Dog 3. 48 4. fourth of July 5. Rose 6. NA 7. Hey Jude 8. Heaven can Wait 9. Dog 10. Runts 11. Shanandoa12. Jessy 13. Football 14. June 15. Earrings
  3. C

    Do you prefer spending your time indoors or outdoors?

    I like outdoors because of the air and the sun and the wonderful animals and birds running around.
  4. C

    Poll: Do you like college or pro football better and what is your age?

    I'm a pro football fan, I'm 61 years old.
  5. C

    What did you do growing up without Cells , Computers , TVs & other modern gizmo's as

    Played outside in the summer all day and night and after school. Never sat around and watched TV, we had fun just playing different types of games and hanging out with each other. There was never a dull moment and i loved growing up without all the gadgets they have now.
  6. C

    does a fiat power steering system run through obd?

    kelly does not no that a punto power steering is Electric and in answer to your question fiats were not obd compliant until 2004 and needs to be pluged into a diagnostic computor to find the fault
  7. C

    do u have to save all the media player upgrades or can I deleted like media...

    ...player security update 6?7? i ahve all the security mediaplayer updates on comp can i delete old versions just keep new security version?
  8. C

    How do i paint my bike!!!?

    Yes, i've done it.
  9. C

    Who in your opinion, is the hottest female, and male celebrity to you?

    I think that Angeline Jolie and Matt MaConahey
  10. C

    Do you think I should put his name?

    Yes, because this is your mom and you love your mom and this is her choice and you need to respect that as much as you can and a card is just a small thing and it will mean alot to her.
  11. C

    i want to buy cds for a future grad 3 year term what is safe?

    investing for graduation money she is now 16 please help?
  12. C

    Is the end of the internet here? WIll there be no internet availabe one day?

    for you it will basicly be here for a long time tell you dye but it will last longer than your lifetime
  13. C

    what is wrong with my 99 328i Bmw ?when i turn the key it only beeps for a minute...

    ...or so.? the battery hasnt been acting up so, i dont know whats wrong. everything else works! it doesnt attempt to crank at all
  14. C

    Should i forget the past and move on with the future?

    The past is the past and that's where you need to leave as you can never live there again and the future is the best thing to think about, so get on with your future and the past is the past.
  15. C

    Can I tax my car if the MOT Certificate is about to run out?

    yes if the MOT is in date you can tax the car you can even do it online