Recent content by CaptainObvious

  1. C

    To all the audiophiles out there, which one should I get?

    To be honest, I don't reckon you should go for either. I reckon you should get the Beyerdynamic DT880. I own the K702 (same as K701 with removable cable), and while it is a great headphone, it's just too treble focused for things like rock, metal, pop. It's a truly great classical headphone...
  2. C

    Tobacco smokers, why do you keep smoking despite of your awareness of

    How's the view from the top of your soap box?
  3. C

    Can a motorola xoom tablet?

    I'm look for a Laptop substitute for my mum, she really likes the look of the new "Tablet computers" . She doesn't need anything exceptionally fancy she just needs it do the basic tasks of a laptop. Do they have the capability for abode flash player? Can you type documents similar to microsoft...
  4. C

    Question for BITTER men and women? What is your story? Vent with me?

    I'm somewhat bitter myself.. so you can feel comfortable answering this question because I won't judge you. My bitterness lead me to become a "player". It seems peoples feeling about you are based on the information they have at the time. So as they learn more.. the chances of losing interest...
  5. C

    Why are my new neighbors lesbians?!?!?!?!?

    Because they hate Jesus.
  6. C

    How to meet new people online without sounding creepy?

    That's some creepy @ss sh*t.
  7. C

    Election 2005

    Well this is it isn't it. I doubt anyone expects them to win but by showing support for some of their policies at least we get them debated. I'm not a rabid LD supporter by the way. I just think that, unlike the other two main parties, they're actually showing some initiative and coming up with...
  8. C

    Palin said Obama was "palling around with terrorists" now she is whining becuase the

    She is an idiot bimbo. Always has been. I hate her.
  9. C

    What is the mind-set of a person who will worry about a dead sattelite hitting...

    Don't worry, Gawd will fix everything. Der, Der, Der
  10. C

    Best aprils fools

    Some one at work super glued EVERYTHING to a colleagues desk!
  11. C

    I have a question for all the ladies who complain about cheating, lying,...

    ...lousy husbands? If you all wanted a reliable, dependable, nice, caring, loyal and loving man.. WHY didn't you just marry Poindexter? Yes.. POINDEXTER.. you know.. that nerdy guy with the thick glasses, bad haircut and Masters degree. He knows random and useless facts like how many stripes a...