Recent content by CaliGirl

  1. C

    Best mobile for under $150AUD?

    The site doesn't have Australia in the selection lol
  2. C

    Kids Cuisine

    Difference between being old and being conscious about stuff packed with salt. Yay healthy lifestyle?
  3. C

    Dream Car

  4. C

    So i got two cases of bawls

    send me some :)
  5. C

    moon landing

    True, True, but who cares it wont happen in our generation? Thats what most people would say. Christains will belive in the prophicies with the end of the earth. This planet will go bye bye, alot sooner than what the natural world is making it, because us (humans) are destroying it.
  6. C


    My cousin had it like 3 weeks ago:xeyed:
  7. C

    What the hell does it mean to have fun?

    Twin Atlantic - Make A Beast Of Myself (Official) - YouTube
  8. C


    Pucker up!
  9. C

    Worst thing your parents have asked you?

    This r teh lulz.
  10. C


    Capoeira in the closing ceremony! It's over for another 4 years. Now I need to go and get a life again! I really, really, really hope the press keep up the coverage of the hardworking, talented athletes, who've earned their medals and places at the games through hard graft, and don't go...
  11. C

    My 20 yr old son home for Christmas detoxing /black tar heroin, not...

    ...eating can't sleep. Need detox advise!? I told my son he could come home for Christmas if he provided me a clean drug test. Instead he decided to detox at my house for Christmas. He cant sleep at night, no appetite. He's like a zombie. He's taking Tylenol, drinking green tea/honey and...
  12. C

    My 20 yr old son home for Christmas detoxing /black tar heroin, not...

    ...eating can't sleep. Need detox advise!? I told my son he could come home for Christmas if he provided me a clean drug test. Instead he decided to detox at my house for Christmas. He cant sleep at night, no appetite. He's like a zombie. He's taking Tylenol, drinking green tea/honey and...
  13. C

    Does anybody know any good celebrity riddles?

    a clever one, not insulting Example: Q: How do you make Lady Gaga cry? A: Poke'r face
  14. C

    Fred Thompson Drops out...

    Last in..... First out.... Fred Quits...