Recent content by CaitlynJ

  1. C

    Do you have a snowmobile?

    You liar.You live in Washington State silly goose.
  2. C

    Highly Paid Security Job Opportunity

    Works for me. Try clicking harder. Mitch
  3. C

    Where have all the muscly guys gone?

    100% needs a pic. Although I'm suspiscious - working out twice a day is overtraining and sounds a bit like bull!!
  4. C

    Pretty People on TSR?

    And what is wrong with swamp people missy!...
  5. C

    Pfffttt... he should have trained Muay Thai

    OMG! ouch...that HAD to hurt
  6. C

    Blair AND Prescott going!

    jeez... now if we could only get Bush and Cheney to follow suit. If you think you had bums in office... just take a look at the US.
  7. C

    gays v everthing

    It's also relatively socially acceptable to have a hatred for homosexual, as opposed to racism which is generally not taken as lightly. Edit: since i don't have time to get numbers, I think id rather say that I feel that one would be more likely to be attacked for being homosexual than to be...
  8. C

    The World Cup

    by the way you avatar is cool
  9. C

    what should i do?

    Post witty comments on offtopic.
  10. C

    French/Dutch anti EU

    Being an ignorant american, what significance does this have in the EU. The paper this morning was acting as if the sky was falling over Europe.
  11. C


    It took ages to explain that China is not the same as North Korea?
  12. C

    Speed Cameras

    For all that you obviously didn't mean this, I haven't seen a convincing argument against this. Emergency services are the only ones that I can think of that need to go any faster. Anyone else is just gratifying their own ego, as well as breaking the law. Cheers, Matt.
  13. C

    the best cartoon of all time

    Pfft, 2 pages of cartoons on a martial arts website and nobody's posted this yet.
  14. C


    Shaving rash? What's that? I generally dry shave with an electric. Recently went back to wet shaving with foam and a proper shaving brush. Wet shaving is five minutes of luxury me time. I don't feel clean (or civilised) if I haven't shaved.
  15. C

    First tattooooo!!!

    Looks both sexy and badass!!