Recent content by cailin

  1. C

    What's your favorite pick up line? :)?

    Is that a mirror in your pocket? Cause I see me in your pants:)
  2. C

    I can't reach my high notes anymore and I need it for singing my throat feels like

    Have you been singing too low? Like in a barotone, or how the guys sing? That can shread your vocal chords. I would ask your choral instructor.
  3. C

    What story today has really got your blood boiling?

    Just the one, the murder of baby Peter. Any decent human being will be incandescent with rage after reading what happened to this poor little baby boy.
  4. C

    Who is the most dangerous person on our planet today?

    There are several IMO. Bush was/ is one of them, for his war mongering and his refusal to sign the Kyoto treaty. I hope he goes to hell for that. The Iranian president Ahmedinajad, a right nutter and a religious fanatic who hates the West and is looking to annihilate it or dominate it. He...
  5. C

    Nostradamus quatrain interpretation Century X [26].........??

    My thoughts on this subject are that it is not worth fretting over. When I was in my teens I read a lot of Nostradamus' ''predictions'' and they used to worry me. Many years later I am still alive and realise that worrying doesn't change anything, even if the things said turn out to be true. The...