Recent content by CaicosTurkey

  1. C

    If worse came to worse and all the supermarkets closed for a month would...

    No. We live on a desert island which doesn't grow anything edible apart from coconuts, and all those had to be cut down before Hurrican Ike. We'd have to survive on what happened to be in our cupboards and hope that the water supply was still functioning. Never mind, there's an upside to all...
  2. C

    Does it exist newsgroups about English-French translating ? Thank you for your...
  3. C

    Does it exist newsgroups about English-French translating ? Thank you for your...
  4. C

    What can i write for introduction in my criminal law essay?

    He's quite right to set you this task. You have to learn to address the court in such a way as to make them want to hang on to your every word. You won't have people from Y/A to help you in court, so you might as well learn now. Particularly as we have no idea what the subject matter is.
  5. C

    Wouldn't you like to be able to improve the quality of your life in such style?

    A Council Chief Executive in England is having his working day reduced to four days so that he can improve the quality of his life and yet is allowed to hang on to his fat salary of £116,000 p.a.! Not to mention being able to look forward to a larger pension when he retired than would have been...
  6. C

    How you translate 'Rim brakes' to Spanish ?

    Frenos de llanta.
  7. C

    Are you like me and hate to complain!?

    No. Like you, I've been on the other side of the fence. I do indeed complain where there is just cause to do so, but what gives me far greater satisfaction is expressing pleasure at the good service I have received. I know how happy it makes a person when the boss receives a letter from a...
  8. C

    Can you please traslate this French to English properly as the translators on the...

    Elegant, sensitive and and reserved, she has a taste for daydreaming and for writing. Finding it hard to show her feelings, she is unable to express them even to her family.