Recent content by Bye

  1. Bye

    Anyone else here sick of the Olimpics?

    Personally I think the Olympic Games were never just about the sports. It is about connecting with the entire world and having fun with each other. It doesn't matter who wins in the long run but who doesn't want to be a bit patriotic. With the tensions from wars in the Middle East or the crisis...
  2. Bye

    Can anyone recommend an alternative to Apple's iTunes software?

    It looks pretty, but it keeps on messing up my music library and often fails to find album covers, track details and generally makes me want to bite myself. I don't buy songs from the Apple store as I prefer to rip directly from CDs for better quality. I've heard some people use Songbird. Thanks...
  3. Bye

    When is Lady Gaga's single 'Poker face' available on itunes in the Uk? right

    Lady Gaga's first single is available now, but they changed the name of her song at the last minute, it was a shocker to her and her fans.
  4. Bye

    Living in Ethiopia for six months, Malaria risks and precautions?

    I was on malaria tablets in Africa and quit after a month as I couldn't stand the side effects. The best advice is to avoid getting bitten. Cover up from dusk to dawn and use mozzie repellent on uncovered areas.
  5. Bye

    What do you not think will be invented in the future and why?

    You mention time travel and that's my nomination too. Even if it were possible, you'd never be able to go back in time beyond when the machine was actually made, as the machine itself would cease to exist. My head hurts now.
  6. Bye

    T-cut , any newer or better alternatives?

    3M Polishing Compound is way better.